<p>Hi guys!</p>
<p>So Im a junior applying to UPenn, Princeton, Harvard, and Stanford next year. </p>
<p>I am really worried. </p>
<p>It's not the academic part but the extracurricular activities. You see...</p>
<p>I messed up freshman year badddly because of many reasons. I did horribly academically and (no suprise) did zero extracurriculars. </p>
<p>Sophomore year I changed around and did wonderful academically. I joined one club- my school's political comittee (i love politics with a strong, burning passion).</p>
<p>Unfortunately, the sponsor for the club is not able to do it this year (Junior) and I am left with clubs that I just joined this year that are pretty vague. I like them, but they don't show any passion (I think). They are Student Government, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Newspaper Club. I am also President of my class (750+ kids). I volunteer in the Chamber of Commerce and am a member of a leadership program in my country (only representative from my school). </p>
<p>I am really scared about my ECs because I know they are terrible. I want to major in finance but I know I will somehow end up in politics because they are just calling me like that. </p>
<p>Anyway, I have a true passion for politics and wanted to start a Young Republicans chapter in my school. Unfortunately, I only found one sponsor willing and then there was so much paperwork and responsibilities that that sponsor left. And no club was done. </p>
<p>I would also love to revive the Political Comittee but barely anyone is interested in either joining or sponsoring it. </p>
<p>Furthermore, I am super busy so I know I won't have time for any other clubs. </p>
<p>I will be joining the local Young Republicans Official chapter but it's for 18-40 year olds and I will turn 18 summer before Senior year. Thus, if put as extracurricular, it will only be a few months. </p>
<p>I am really worried about my ECs. Any recommendations? I know the schools Im looking at are top noch, and although I have the academics, I fear they might not be enough to get me in without ECs. </p>
<p>Thank you so much guys!</p>