Help on choosing a school and housing

<p>I basically told myself i would attend ohio state in the fall until this past weekend when I visited madison and UW. I really loved it, i thought state street was great and it was really cool being in madison whereas ohio state is in a suburb of columbus and not really within the best neighborhood. Ive talked to people who attended both universities and like them for different reasons. I thought being on the lake in madison was great and felt like i would be able to fit in better. Ohio state definitely had some nicer buidings that have been updated including the greatest recreational facility i have ever seen which definitely impressed me more than the serf. The weather is definitely better in madison, maybe colder but sunny more often. The other thing thats been bothering me is housing. I have read through these forums trying to find out what i should do and seem to get many different answers. I am looking at private housing as i have already missed the deadline for public and i think i would be more comfortable with a little more space. Statesider has been ruled out for me because of its huge price, the two i am looking at are towers and lucky 101. We took tours of both and for a living space, i definitely think lucky was nicer, its brand new and you have so much room to move around. From what ive heard, its much less social and not the right place for freshmen? I heard people do not have their doors open and as much as they try to get freshmen involved, it doesnt really work out. I have two friends also attending who are already set to stay in statesider which might help with meeting people over there if i did choose lucky. I heard that the people who stay in statesider and towers have a much better time and it is more like a dorm. Towers isnt bad, its definitely better than anything i would have at ohio state. I jsut want to have the best experience so if anyone could elaborate, it would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>Towers and Statesider have been around a long time--so much so that the children of alumni who lived in them are now seeing their kids living there. They probably have more developed programs and traditions. Lucky has had just one year and is still figuring things out. But new is nice and I think college kids will always be friendly if given the chance.</p>

<p>yeah, just from what ive seen it seems like some people had trouble at lucky this past year, this is the first year though so do you think next year it will be even better? I want to give myself the best possible experience and I didnt know what you would recommend for next year whether it be lucky or statesider/towers. Like i said, i loved lucky and thought it was an amazing place but towers is still better than any other dorm i would be in and UW is the only school i have seen where freshmen are not required to live in dorms</p>

<p>The only thing I can add is that traditionally Towers has been home to more Jewish students. Lucky seemed to get more internationals if that matters to you. </p>

<p>Also I meant to say children of alumni are now living in Towers and Statesider--not grandchildren. They are not that old.</p>

<p>yeah, being jewish isnt a big deal to me, i could live in a jewish place or not, im just mostly wondering where id be better off on the social experience, i liked the accomodations of lucky much more but it seems in the other forums its getting abad rap from current students and good rap from teh RA's...thanks for the help though</p>

<p>I live in the Towers, have friends in Lucky 101, and think just the opposite of what you posted. I'm a freshman now and when I was in your shoes last winter I was told by lots of people that Towers (or Statesider) was "the place to be" and I definitely don't feel that way now that I'm here. The rooms are tiny, and getting kind of old, plus, it feels kind of empty. A LOT of the rooms are vacant so yes, you can meet people, but there's not as many people to meet. </p>

<p>I'm at Lucky all of the time. Yeah, the set up there is different: they're really like apartments, so when the doors are open they open to a hallway or kitchen, not a your bedroom. But at the same time you're not constantly on top of other people, and at least you get some privacy when you want it. I think you'll meet people there. I actually know my friends neighbors better than I know some of the people on my floor. </p>

<p>I also agree with the first year comments, it seems like the Lucky 101 people are growing their program and I've heard that they are the same people who owned the Towers and Statesider a few years ago. It seems like they know what they're doing. I hope so - I'm actually living in one of their other private dorms next year, Highlander House. </p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Good points on the vacancy problems at Towers and Statesider. There is a limited market for private dorms and adding Lucky into the mix probably hurt the older ones. That wouls typically mean cuts in food quality and services at the more vacant dorms. Something to consider.</p>

<p>thanks for the tips from you guys. Its interesting to see the different perspectives on everything. My parents wanted me to get housing taken care of asap so I ended up filling out the application for towers. I really hope I made the right decision on that. I feel like a dorm setting isnt really for me and I missed the on campus housing deadline anyways but I talked to a couple kids who I know living on campus who all said to live in statesider or towers. The leasing there said that towers would be 75% occupied and statesider would be at 100%. Truthfully i liked lucky much more than statesider and towers but again a lot of people said to steer away from it. There are 2 other kids from my high school going and are staying in statesider along with a friend from cali and one from another high chool in my area so i guess it would help to know some people at the begining and like you said Reader01 that you met the people in lucky so im sure i could do the same. These decisions are so stressful...</p>

<p>I was also trying to choose between the three and although I loved lucky everyone said its not as social and not a good environment for freshman. Statesider is full except for their most expense dorm and there are still many rooms in the towers. although I would prefer to live in statesider I think I'm going to end up in the towers because it ends up being almost 5000 less than statesider and I don't think it's that much of a difference</p>