Help on getting ACT score up

<p>I took my act for the first time in June and was really disappointed when I got a 21. I am taking it again in October and I would really like to raise my score. I am trying to get into BYU and their average is 28. I would really appreciate any advice/tips for when I take the test again in October. Thanks</p>

<p>i think english and math are the two subjects that are easiest to improve on...maybe try and concentrate on them?</p>

<p>Buy The Real Act Prep Guide, do the practice tests, and take the ACT again. Rinse and repeat. If you need more prep, buy Princeton Review or Barrons.</p>

<p>Do as many practice tests as u can and look @ what you missed and STUDY THAT PART. So, u wouldn't make the same mistakes again. Do atleast 3 practice tests a week and ur score will increase atleast 4 points.</p>

<p>Blondi: Care to share the breakdown of your section scores?</p>

<p>well i got a 23</p>

<p>math - 22
English - 23
science - 21
reading - 27</p>

<p>Are you retaking kiseriam? How about the SATs?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>follow my method, and you sure will get your scores up.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the advice and here is a breakdown of my scores: