<p>So, I was on Junior varsity softball team for 10th and 11th grade. This year I would really like to be in softball again, BUT there is a significant problem. All seniors are required to be on varsity in my school district, and we all have to try out for the team. I pretty much stink at softball in comparison to my peers (even though I really enjoy it and do work hard). And, there are at least 15 seniors this year that are trying out for the team (not counting all the excellent freshmen, sophomores, and juniors). </p>
<p>So, there is a 95% chance that I won't make it onto varsity. Also, I'm not super-competitive, and quite a few of the girls on varsity softball are biotches. This was completely unlike my JV team, which was fun, but we worked really well as a team and we all liked each other. We ended up with 2nd place in our city tournament, only losing to the undefeated team that no one ever beats (we had the 1st winning JV record in the last 10 years). Not only that, last year, our varsity team stunk majorly. They didn't even qualify for the city competition, as they had to win at least 5 games out of 20 (which they didn't). They had a lot of issues esp. being snappy/bossy/having hatred towards each other. </p>
<p>But should I try out anyway? I mean, I won't most likely be on the team, but if there is a chance that I do make the team, do you all think joining it would be worth it? I'm really sad that I'm not able to stay on my JV team, as we had the best team chemistry. Also, if I don't try out for softball, is it really so bad to drop a sport, or not simply have a varsity sport for college admissions? I have mostly good everything else...</p>