Help on visit to Virginia Tech!

<p>My son has been accepted into VT and he and my husband are making the long trek down from Miane this weekend for a second look before he makes his final decision.</p>

<p>VT has been on his radar since the beginning, and he feels very comfortable with VT academic and the Computer Science and Engineering programs in general but really would like to know a bit more about the students and the dorm life before he make his final decision.</p>

<p>What he really would like is to stay in the dorms (freshman guy if possible, doesn't have to be CS or CE) on this Sunday night, April 22. No one will have to babysit him, he is pretty self sufficient and outgoing.</p>

<p>Anyone who could help him find someone to stay with Sunday?</p>

<p>Can’t help you with a place to stay, but if you’re looking for recommendations the things you need to do are</p>

<p>Wander around campus without a map for a bit</p>

<p>Eat at West End (on campus dining hall)</p>

<p>Eat at The Cellar (greek pasta/pizza,) PKs (regular pizza,) Sycamore Deli (fantastic specialty sandwiches), or Sub Station II (regular subs, but the meat is sliced right in front of you and they are delicious.) They’re all <5 minutes from campus. There are a ton of other good restaraunts too but those were my favorites. Sharkeys has good burgers and Boudreax has alligator if that’s your thing.</p>

<p>Wander around downtown a bit. It is right next to campus and not very big but there are some shops and things.</p>

<p>Go out to the duck pond.</p>

<p>I think VT had an admitted student weekend where you could stay in a dorm but it may have been last week. I don’t know how much you will learn about “students and dorm life” anyway. There are thousands of students some of whom will become best friends and others just acquaintances. The dorm is generally just a room on a hall. If you have a good group together then it can be a lot of fun. If you get a group of loners then not so much. </p>

<p>You might ask Admissions if staying in a dorm might be possible. If not, don’t worry there will definitely be fun people to meet. If nothing else the students that help out admissions can answer a lot of campus life questions.</p>