Help out a struggling student in these subjects?

Any tips for a girl who’s struggling in computer science and trigonometry? I find it really confusing and studying is hard for me; any tips to these classes? Like study tips, etc.?

@jasewmine What in particular do you find confusing?

Note that both of those subjects are very broad, computer science more so, so it’s a little hard to give specific tips at this point.

@MITer94 the code in comp sci rn is Python but the defining functions and making your own to append/concatenation and loops.

Also for math I struggled with conic sections like hyperbolas parabolas etc.

@jasewmine Yeah Python’s a little weird in that objects don’t have types (or return types), as opposed to Java, for example. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry about it for now.

Functions are fairly easy to define; just use the following syntax:

def sum(a,b):
___return a+b

def helloWorld():
___print “Hello world!”

I don’t know if you went over recursive functions, but functions can be defined recursively:

def factorial(n):
if n < 0:
print “error”
if n == 0 or n == 1: return 1
_return n*factorial(n-1)

or with a loop:
def factorial(n):
__product = 1
for i in range(1,n+1):
__product = product*i
_return product

So yeah, something about functions that maybe you have or haven’t covered.

As in how they’re defined? Or recognizing whether a given equation represents a hyperbola, parabola, or other conic section? (this takes a little practice)

Python tries to figure variable types automatically for you, so if you’re learning programming principles (the type of stuff on the AP exams), it might be worthwhile to read about this independently.