Help overwhelmed CC transfer to University BSN programs /non direct programs

Hi, I apologize if this is not the right place to post. I had difficulty finding the nursing forum. I am seeking advice for my dtr who is taking her nursing pre-requisites at a CC in California. Her stats are great and she will be getting her CNA this winter for work experience. We are looking for transfer-friendly University BSN programs, smaller-medium size schools with school spirit. She has a budget of approximately 120K and has been researching public and private Universities IN and OUT of state. I figured nondirect programs may give her a better shot of acceptance? *Can anyone share stories of their student successfully transferring from CC to a University? *Any recommendations on Universities (esp OOS, we are aware of CA Schools) that accept a high number of transfers? I appreciate any advice and encouragement that we can make this happen for my dtr. Thank you!

I suggest having her talk to the transfer center at her CC. Our local CC has transfer agreements with local universities to make for an easy transfer to a BSN program. We are in Texas. It may be different in CA.

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Thank you Marinezcs, we are working with our CC counselor for CA schools. Hoping to get some feedback on transfer-friendly Universities for BSN programs OOS. I appreciate your time.

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Kind of a puzzle, big universities in Big 10 or state flagships might be transfer friendly & have school spirit. But, they are big.
How about Univ. Cincinatti?

Or have you looked at RN to BSN at Univ. Nevada Reno?

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Are you saying that you have a 60K budget per year for the remaining 2 years?

You would have lots of options if that is the case…

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Hi Rnmomof4. Yes, We are budgeting 50-60K per yr for the remaining 2 yrs. We were able to save a lot of money by her attending CC for free for the first 2 yrs. The direct admit programs she was accepted into as a Freshman were 40K/yr after merit. She has high status but unfortunately, we still could not afford to send her to University as a Freshman. Do you have any recommendations? TYVM


You might consider looking at Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing. You apply via NursingCAS. You only apply to one campus but there are numerous campuses. (Main campus is Portland) I read their acceptance rates are high 20 percent ish. It’s a 3 yr program so that might not be ideal for you.

The only caveat is that they do not have on-campus housing. Looks like Northern Cal border counties will get instate rates. Its not very clear what the OOS rates are.

Their online info is so different than most schools I have researched so it seems to really understand the program you would need to contact them. The Nursing CAS application will take time and is detailed but not too bad.

Unlike Cal States which require you to have every pre req COMPLETED (not in progress) they will allow classes in progress while applying.

Be sure to check out ASU, U of Arizona, U of NM, and U of Utah. Seems like all these schools accept CC courses from Cali.

Im hoping others have something to add to your post. Im interested as well.

Im sure you know this but she could continue on at your local cal state and get a BS in anything and then go onto a 15 month accelerated BSN. (the key will be to make sure that she will complete all the pre req during the first BS.

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Is she able to get into an ADN/RN program at the community college? Completing an ADN/RN may allow access to RN->BSN programs offered at some CSUs.

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What about U of Hawaii. They are also a WUE school.

You would need to fill out an application for the school in addition to the Nursing CAS. Its quite a process but that might work for you…

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What about Westminster? They have direct admit but also take transfers…

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A number of direct admit nursing programs require 6 semesters due to the nature of clinicals and courses required to be taken on their campus. Take a look at University of San Francisco, they have 2 programs.

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Linfield nursing school in Oregon, Thomas Jefferson Uni in Philadelphia are 2 programs I know graduates from who are great nurses and they’re both transfer in programs

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Check out Carroll University in Wisconsin and Carroll U in Montana.

They are very reasonably priced…

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