Help Please :] Can't Decide Whether to Retake

<p>So I got a pretty decent score on my first time taking the SAT, the October test.
700 CR, 780 M, and 760 W (10 on essay)</p>

<p>I'm somewhat satisfied, but also I feel that my CR score could just be improved... i mean, how do all those other people get 800s? I must be doing something wrong...
So I was thinking of studying up a bit more to retake.</p>

<p>The only thing is, after I got my score back, I felt rather satisfied because before that, I'd never gotten in the 700s for a CR score (yeah, i just totally suck at CR).
And now I feel like I did a mind dump (i had taken an SAT boot camp over the summer), and I haven't thought about or done anything related to the SAT ever since I finished with the October test.</p>

<p>So now, I feel like if I want to retake it, I'll have to restudy everything again (and before i was doing pretty good--I could possibly get an 800 on M and W before I went on hibernation-mode. :P)
A lot of work, and I just don't feel like I'm up to it.</p>

<p>But it could be worth it right? Does my current score put me at a lower standing to those crazy amazing smart peoples? (I'm planning on applying to schools like MIT, Stanford, Caltech, UC Berkeley, etc.) </p>

<p>Yeah sorry this is a kinda long description of my problem, but thanks so much for your comments!</p>

<p>Don’t retake- you’re more than qualified with that score. CR is a pain to improve on, so chances are you’ll do considerably worst on a retake.</p>

<p>Instead, use your time to get involved, study for APs/school exams, and self-reflect.</p>

<p>Once you break 2200, you’re set, in my opinion.</p>

<p>i heard that a +2300 score would be the absolutely safe score…
however, SAT isn’t everything…and it’s a pretty good score
so if you’re satisfied with it, don’t retake it.</p>

<p>go and retake it.You have nothing more to study,just do a few practice tests and go for it.If you manage to score 760 or above on CR,your super score will be 2300+ ,besides ,i can`t see how your Math and WR score will degrade (if this is the correct verb to use) :}</p>

<p>No it would pointless already 700+ in everything</p>

<p>Your time might be better spent studying for & acing SAT II exams & AP tests. How would you feel if you retook the SAT I and decreased your score by 10 points by scoring a 690 instead of a 700 on the CR portion? Right now your scores look great as 1480/1600 qualifies you for any school in the country. Only if you are in a scholarship competition requiring higher scores & that school is among your top choice schools should you retake the SAT I, in my opinion.</p>

<p>don’t do it… unless you take pleasure in taking the SAT, which some here do. If that’s the case, go ahead, and hey, have fun with it.</p>

<p>if you haven’t really thought about the SATs or anything, you will probably do worse on this SAT.</p>

<p>wow, thanks for all the suggestions everyone. =)
but now i feel more confused than ever… XD what failure…</p>

<p>Someone I knew got a 2290 on his October SAT and retook it in December.
…his score went down a bit, and he’s now concentrating on his ACTs.</p>

<p>So really, it comes down to how much you’re going to study and keep up your other scores, while bring up critical reading too. If you can score consistently over 2300 on practice tests then I say go for it.</p>

<p>I would advise you not to retake. Your score is good enough.</p>