<p>Well, maintaining good grades, of course.</p>
<p>This fall, I'm entering a fairly large public university in a fairly large city as a freshman (but the university doesn't exactly have a terribly great reputation), but the university I wanted to attend was Washington University in St. Louis. I didn't bother applying as a freshman because 1) it would have been difficult for my family financially as they're making some big investments this year and 2) my GPA isn't exactly too hot.</p>
<p>But I really, really want to go to WashU. I've completely fallen in love with that school.
What can I do to increase my chances of getting accepted as a transfer after my freshman year?
What can I do to make my application stand out?
What classes should I take my freshman year?
What activities, if any in particular, should I be involved in?</p>
<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated! (:</p>
Background (don't know if this will help at all..): There really isn't anything I've got going for me. I've taken nine AP exams through my high school career and seven AP classes. I typically take advanced courses if there is no AP class offered. I'm currently taking two college courses in the evenings at a small, local university along with my high school coursework (Accounting 101 and Intro to Business Law), for which I probably will receive credit. This does NOT mean I'm an overachiever. I actually get overwhelmed quite easily. Last year, my first year of taking AP classes/exams, I got 3's across the board, which I'm not proud of (WashU only takes 4's and 5's). I've no idea how I did this year. I can speak three languages fluently. I was born and raised in the US, so I can't pull in the fact that I was raised in India. Umm.. I do not play sports. I used to play the clarinet and sing, but it's been five years. If I bought a clarinet, I could still probably play it. And if I did get a clarinet, I'd love to play at WashU. I was involved in [too] many extracurriculars while in high school. There is a very small chance (like a one in one hundred chance) that I may go to Africa with my friend to volunteer this winter. I enjoy doing community service. </p>
<p>Don't know what all you need to know to give me some feedback, so if there's anything else that might help you help me, please do ask! (:</p>