Help please. How will colleges view this case of "Senioritis"...?

<p>Hey everyone. (I'm new to these forums, but it looks like there's plenty of good information here... so I thought I might ask around and see how people will respond...)</p>

<p>I'm not a particularly good student, but recently I've been on an improving streak in terms of grades and test scores, and I think I might have become a candidate for some of the UC schools.</p>

<p>Applying to:
UC Berkeley
Harvey Mudd

3.45 unweighted,
3.85 weighted.</p>

<h2>SAT: 2080</h2>

<p>Here's the story. I used to be a really bad student in terms of grades and whatnot, and my GPA used to be something around 3.2, which was really scary to me because I knew there was almost no way I was going to make the colleges that I really wanted to go to. So I forced myself to perform better, and by the end of junior year I had a 3.85 GPA, weighted with 4 AP courses. I talked to my counselor about my grades, and he noticed the improving trend from freshman -> junior year, and noted that colleges will appreciate my effort in improving and will view the results as a beneficial component of my application.</p>

<p>So yay, all is well. NOT. This year is my senior year, and everything is going wrong. Due to the recent budget cut in our schools/districts, etc.. we've had to lay off some teachers and as a result a lot of our classes were also removed, and more students were crammed into less classes. As a result, instead of the normal 6 course schedule I usually get, this year I could only have a 5 course schedule because there was no elective class I could fit into my 1st period. I play sports, so that means this year I only have 4 academic classes and then tennis.</p>

<p>I'm taking AP Macroeconomics, AP Literature, and AP Biology as well as Advanced Art right now. Except.. my grades are dying right now.
AP Macroecon: B-
AP Lit: C- (Or maybe worse? I have NO idea.)
AP Biology: B+
Advanced art: B-</p>

<p><strong><em>The reason I'm not taking AP Calculus, is because I finished all the calculus courses that my school offered. I'm a year ahead of my regular class in mathematics, so as a result I completed AP Calculus BC my junior year.</em></strong></p>

<p>So anyway, my grades right now represent nothing but a complete drop in performance. It looks like senioritis, because I even "dropped" a class to have a free period in the morning. I'm not even trying to be lazy either; my classes this year are particularly hard compared to what I'm used to, and I'm currently struggling in AP Lit because my teacher is notorious for NEVER (seriously!) giving A's.</p>

<p>I'm currently working hard on improving my grades, but I admit that I will have a lot of difficulty with this. How will colleges view me if I don't manage to bring any of my grades up?</p>

<p>It seems your main selling point, so-to-speak, was that your grades improved markedly over your time in high school. Now your selling point is being compromised by senior yr grades. Chill out… the best thing you can do is discuss it in your interviews. If a college you’re applying to has optional interviews, schedule one and explain your situation.</p>

<p>Each school may view this differently. And, frankly, it doesn’t matter “how will colleges view this case of ‘senioritis’?” you’re already applying to those schools. You’ll find out how they view it later in the year. Speculation is futile, am I right?</p>