Help please: Research Internship

I am a high school student.
I’ve recently been looking into internships this summer. Due to transportation issues, it seems that my best chance is contacting professors at a local university who teach subjects or are conducting research projects that I am interested in. I would truly appreciate tips about how to go about this.
As in, how soon should I apply?
It’s for the summer, but I don’t know if I risk losing a chance otherwise.
How should I mention the subject or even introduce myself/make myself, a young high school junior, seem like a trustworthy and good candidate?
I would truly appreciate such an internship, and although I hope to be a doctor, I’d really like to expose myself to different parts of the biology field.

Thank you!!

@kokopta Hi, I think you should contact professors as soon as possible! Contact more than just a couple because many professors may not catch the email, and some may not respond at all, but don’t feel discouraged! Talk about your interests and what you could contribute to the lab. You can also mention any classes that you have taken that can help you in your letter. Attach a CV.

Thank you! I appreciate it. So contacting a professor now won’t seem overeager? I will contact several and take your advice. Again, thank you!

Yeah I’d definitely go ahead and start now. Cold emailing doesn’t have the highest success rates, so don’t get discouraged. Also, are local hospitals an option for you? Many doctors may also take high school students.