HELP please with planned schedule FA10

<p>Hey guys i'm currently undecided as a freshman and i'm not sure what my fourth class should be... if i wanna be a science major, i'll have to take chem6a, but if i wanna be an econ major i'll have to take econ1...but i'm not sure...</p>

<p>econ1a is also gonna overlap between my desired science major AND econ so that may be a pro for that...</p>

<p>should i take one of those two? or should i take ETHN1A since it seems kind of interesting, and its on the GE list for sixth college...</p>

<p>right now i have:</p>



<p>AHH what should i do??? thanks for all of you're help!</p>

<p>wow you are probably going to have a chill quarter! personally I would take Ethnic Studies 1A because ethnic studies is a really interesting class! just get your GEs out of your way and then decide on your major.</p>