Help please..

<p>So I want to transfer to UCSC from my cc in fall 2010. I created my schedule for the rest of my semesters at cc to transfer with my counselor. My UC transferable GPA atm is 3.5</p>

<p>The problem is, I'm failing/failed my Trigonometry class. I've accepted this, but a little scared of how much it's going to hurt me. The thing is, this class is not a UC transferable class, and is not required for me to transfer. I chose this class pretty much, because my parents told me to.. they wanted me to get up to Calculus.</p>

<p>I had decided to major in English.. something I've very excited and somewhat passionate about. Trigonometry is NOT required to transfer to UCSC, and like I mentioned earlier, it is not a UC transferable credit. The math I need for my major is what some people would call an "easier" math class, and I finished the pre reqs for it already. I just need to take it.</p>

<p>Do I need to retake the Trig class since I don't necessarily need it? Will UCSC take this grade into account? (I actually have another failing grade from when I was 11. My parents made me take Algebra at a community college and I didn't pass.)</p>

<p>ask your professor if you can still take CR/NCR or P/NP. I believe if you take a NP you would just not get the credits and it will not affect your GPA. of course, let me know if im wrong.</p>

<p>If it’s not a UC transferrable course it doesn’t get factored into your UC transferrable gpa. I would just take statistics (which I believe is the most basic transferrable math) next term instead of trying to pass trig next time, under which circumstances you would still have to take at least pre-calc afterwards to get your math requirement met</p>