Help Please!!

<p>I just submitted the common app form to one of my top choice college. However, once i was done and checked over what i had submitted, i realized that I forgot to include an activity. I still haven't paid the application fee. Is there any way of editing the application's information? If not, how can I make the college know that I was part of this specific activity(community servie)? Help Please!! T.T Also, will the fact that i forgot to include an activity crtically damage my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>Fee or no fee, uou can’t edit it once you’ve submitted it. Your community service activity probably isn’t going to make or break your application, unless the college you’re applying to has a heavy community service focus, in which case I doubt you would have forgotten to list the activity. Here are two suggestions, one better than the other.</p>

<li><p>The ok suggestion: Write a quick description of the activity and fax it to the Admissions Office (you can find their fax number on the college info page on, or on the college’s Web site), identifying yourself (Common App id, or name and school) and asking them to add it to your file. Or send them a resume, with the community service included, and ask them to add that.</p></li>
<li><p>The better suggestion: If your recs aren’t done yet, ask the teachers who are writing them to write something about your selfless commitment of time and energy to volunteer service. (External validation and Wow, you didn’t even mention that in your application… it must have been for the right reasons, not just to put some impressive stuff on your resume for college!)</p></li>