help please

<p>I'm obviously a first time poster here, but I've been lurking this site for quite some time and basically what I need is a dose of reality</p>

<p>I often come and browse this section of the site because I aspire to be like many of you, but after receiving my SAT scores today(after taking it for the first time), and re-evaluating my achievements I've realized that for someone like me - my options are limited. I'm a rising senior and initially before receiving my SAT scores I planned on applying to quite a few top schools my list was as follows:</p>

<p>Bard College (match?/reach? idk)
UGA(match - in state)
Goucher College (safety)
Syracuse( safety)</p>

and it embarrasses me to say this but I was also considering applying to Brown</p>

<p>but now I realize that I have no shot in hell for getting into most if not all of those schools</p>

<p>My gpa is 3.6 UW and 3.7 W, and my combined SAT score was a 1580 out of 2400 ( it's horrible I know, and I have not stopped crying about it since I saw the scores earlier this morning). To say that this score is a disappointment would be an understatement, on my collegeboard practice tests I was averaging about a 1700, so I was expecting to at least get that on my first attempt then work my way up to 2000 + on my second attempt, unfortunately though I fell extremely short so now my question is what do I do now?</p>

<p>I already know I have to scrap all the schools on my list because of my not so stellar GPA & horrendous SAT score ( and this upsets me, but what choice do I have?)</p>

<p>So where should I look now?
I was avoiding some of the other in state schools like the plague because they pretty much let every and anyone in - seriously I've seen kids with poor grades and everything get into places like Georgia State, Georgia Southern, and Valdosta - and I would hate to end up there - because that would mean that 1. all my hard was for absolutely nothing 2. I'll just be another stereotype, another dumb black kid going to the second-rate state school.</p>

<p>-sigh- I will stop digressing now... basically what I want to know is - Where do I go from here? and What schools should I look at?</p>

<p>I’m offended. :stuck_out_tongue: My SAT score is 1570. I know it’s not the best, but it’s not terrible either. A 1600 will make me proud when I take it next.</p>

<p>Anyway, to answer your question. Have you tried looking into UF. It’s one of the best schools in the nation I think. I’m a FL resident and that school does not just let everyone in. I’d love to go there.</p>

<p>Lol, you see that is the bad thing about this site. Almost everyone on here gets high grades, so when your grade isn’t as high it is discouraging. The people on CC are the very low percentage of those who manage to score over a 2000 so you definitely shouldn’t be disappointed especially for your 1st go. You will only improve and atleast you have the summer to study. There are a lot of kids in your situation right now, and I know how racial circumstances can truly add to your troubles as I am black student as well. Just take this as a stepping stone, I am sure with a little bit of studying and encouragement you will definitely get over a 2000. Remember the SAT is just a test of logic, it isn’t impossible to crack.</p>

<p>to abdc11 sorry if I offended you, I’m just really frustrated and disappointed
I remember looking into UF before when I first started looking at schools and it didn’t really appeal to me, but I’ll definitely give it a second look</p>

<p>and to BigWorldJust thanks! I’m just worried that with everything else I’ll have going on this summer, I won’t have as much time to focus on the test - and I already know once school starts finding extra time to self-study will be hard but I’m going to try (it’s going to take a lot for me to raise my score) I’m thinking maybe I should just give the ACT a try instead.</p>

<p>honey…syracuse is a high reach my site got in with a 1950 sat</p>

<p>Don’t apologize for offending other people! Everyone has their own goals. I cried for hours and cursed the skies laying on my kitchen floor after I got a 28 on my ACT’s. I know EXACTLY how you feel because I spent six months studying <3.</p>

<p>All I can say is, breathe. You know how smart you are. Have you considered taking the ACT’s? It’s an entirely different and more fair test. All the schools you listed will accept it instead of your SAT scores. My advise? SPEND ALL SUMMER PREPPING FOR THE ACT’S AND TAKE THEM IN SEPTEMBER! Get above a 30. And keep those schools on your list :slight_smile: Don’t let one bad test day define you. Good luck, you got this hun!</p>

<p>Eloves2012, …my mistake :confused: I was under the impression that Syracuse was a strong safety/match when I looked at the stats of one of their previously admitted classes ( this was way before I received my scores). I also thought that it was more or less competitive depending on which school you apply to but I stand corrected. The safety/match/reach labels are what I gave the schools prior to receiving my scores, I guess I should take them down, so I won’t confuse anyone else. </p>

<p>elbeeen, thank you, I’ve been contemplating whether I should just put all of my focus into the ACT and I think I will</p>

<li>oh nvm I can’t go back and edit my post, but those labels are what I gave the schools before receiving my SAT scores</li>

<p>@elbeeen, wow. you are very considerate of other people’s feelings…</p>

<p>anyway, peacelovesoul… I agree with the other post. Don’t give up and keep studying! :slight_smile: Have you looked at Emory, UM, MIT, NYU…?</p>

<p>Why don’t you study your butt off this summer and take it again? And the ACT was a lot easier for me. Please don’t get discouraged. C:</p>

<p>Don’t forget about the subject tests!</p>

<p>Bard is SAT optional - you don’t need to submit your scores. But you do need to show that Bard would be the right school for you.</p>

<p>yeah SpiritManager, I know about Bard being SAT optional, but you do have a point</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who responded, I really appreciate the advice. Yesterday I was overwhelmed, my scores made me feel stupid and defeated but I will not give up! I will study the ACT (and maybe the SAT) and take it in September and possibly give the SAT another go.</p>

<p>peacelovesoul, most definately take the ACT and retake the SAT if needed. Have you considered Kennesaw? Their SAT scores are almost 300 pts. under UGA. My D has friends that go there, and are happy with the school, both academically and socially.</p>

<p>Buy a blue book and direct hits this summer.</p>

<p>and practice your ass off. You should get good results…you could even consult the SAT foum for help :)</p>

<p>I know you can get them up! retake in Oct & Nov (?) Then ur chances will go up significantly for most of those schools :)</p>

<p>I’m retaking again in Oct.</p>

<p>I know u can do it!!! Good luck :))</p>

<p>GAMOM I was hoping I wouldn’t have to consider Kennesaw
esta I already own the blue book</p>

<p>man I still can’t get over the fact that I scored so low, maybe I’m not as smart as I thought I was</p>

<p>peacelovesoul, do not put yourself down like this. The SAT is not a good indicator of your intelligence. Study harder next time and retake the test in the beginning of your senior year. Also, try bringing up your GPA next year because a high GPA can off-set lower test scores at some schools.</p>

<p>Also, look at taking the ACT. It is easier and fairer than the SAT according to me. </p>

<p>Good luck!!! Do not give up this early in the game :slight_smile: .</p>

<p>I saw your thread about being frustrated about the SATs and being unable to get into “top colleges”, so I wondered which colleges you were looking at, which is why I found this thread. </p>

<p>My sister is a senior at Syracuse and she got in with a score LOWER than yours. She applied to the Newhouse School of Communications there - which is one of the most selective programs at Syracuse - and got in. Why did she get in? Because she was determined to! </p>

<p>I am extremely frustrated about my SAT scores and the way things are going and I’ve been disgruntled in the past to use my sister as an example, but she really is. She milked the college application process for all it was worth - she networked with admin officers and minority officers, she made sure that her passions shone through in her essays, and she was diligent. And now she’s a senior getting ready to graduate.</p>

<p>The sky is the limit! Don’t give up!</p>

<p>I understand that there are many posters here who want to assure you about your SAT score, but I’m afraid that I’ll have to rain on your parade a bit: a 1580 is only 80 points above the national average of 1500. That is not optimal for your situation, and I would look into a few more safeties with lower average SAT scores than the schools you have listed. There are some individuals who have gotten in with what can be considered below-average scores, but generally, they are the exception rather than the rule.</p>

<p>Some advice:

  1. Retake the exam. Try not to stress about it too much - maybe you were nervous on test day and that affected your score.</p>

<li><p>Look into the ACT. Rather than testing reasoning skills, like the SAT, it tests a far more concrete body of knowledge.</p></li>
<li><p>Jazz up and intensify your studying routine. How much time did you dedicate to preparing for the exam? To excel on the SAT, preparation is key, especially if you are not naturally a good test-taker.</p></li>
<li><p>Relax. Yes, college is important, but a year from now, you’ll look back on this - no matter where you end up - and laugh.</p></li>

<p>I sincerely hope I was of a little help to you. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to respond here in a post or pm me (the latter may be more favorable, as I do not visit this website very frequently anymore).</p>