Help!!! Premed transfer!!

I have two sons. One is a junior in high school and another is a sophmore at a CC. My son at a CC is in an odd situation and I was wondering whether that odd situation causes him to be at an disadvantage or not when he applies to med school. He is a sophmore at a CC and will transfer to the public university flagship this spring. He will transfer with an A.S so he will "skip" first two years and enter as a junior. He has taken classes at the CC in calc, bio 1 and 2, chem 1 and 2, physics 1 and 2 (non calc), english 1 2 3, and other sociology and stuff electives. He wants to go to medical school. But the problem is that med school requires 1 year of bio, chem, calc, english, etc which he has mostly already compelleted. He has a 3.9 currently. When he transfers he plans to major in Molecular Biology or similar. Will his current situation cause him to look bad in the eyes of med school admissions because he took alot of his premed classes at a CC. What will happen when he goes to junior year at the Univ? If he continues science classes there like anatomy, genetics, etc and does well on those will that help his situation. He is fine with attending the public uni for an extra year (3 years there total) to get a specific major in public health or somethign. Please give us some feedback. I hope that choosig a CC wont turn out to be a horrible choice for my son. Thank You very much!!</p>

<p>Believe me, your best input is going to come from the Premed Topics forum where I moved your earlier thread. Participating on that forum are: other premeds/parents of premeds, students/parents of students currently going through the admissions process, current med school students/parents of med school students, and some physicians and people doing their residencies.</p>