Help Preparing Course Schedule

<p>Being flexible is key when making a schedule. You may not initially get the exact schedule you want, but do not panic. When registration is open for all students in late July/early August, you can drop/add/move things around. My son spent four years doing this.</p>

<p>Also, make sure you schedule time to eat. That may sound crazy, but sometimes, kids forget that.</p>

<p>^^^aha! What time do the Greek Houses serve breakfast, lunch and dinner??? ^^^</p>

Also, make sure you schedule time to eat. That may sound crazy, but sometimes, kids forget that.*</p>

<p>True. Try to schedule meal times at the lesser crazy times in the Dining Halls. Also, it helps to schedule a meal/study break between two classes that are a distance from each other to give you extra time. </p>

<p>Tx…I don’t know what time the Greek Houses serve meals. Not sure how many meals per day a pledge is expected to eat at his/her House. I would think that the distance to the House may be an issue and wouldn’t make eating 3 meals a day there. Not even sure if 3 meals a day are served in Houses. lol</p>

<p>Spacecoastmom and other parents of CBHers, you may want to avoid scheduling a class immediately after CBH (especially in the spring!!). Darren is known for frequently running over. D heard this but had classes immediately following in both semesters. It really bit her in the spring when the subject matter was harder (C++) and there were times she had the make difficult choices (stay and learn or get to next class and turn in paper, etc). It all worked out in the end but would have been less stressful not to have a class right after.</p>

<p>My best tip is to be informed about all sections available for the classes you want. And, stay on top of the sections offered because additional sections should be added (especially for “freshman” classes) if the demand is there. I would cross-reference sections of classes into 2-3 versions of a viable schedule, because it often only takes one class to fill and your plans will crumble as a result with cascading effects. For example, my S went into Bama Bound last year with a plan, and when he came out, it looked nothing like what he started his intentions with.</p>

<p>When my kids went to Bama Bound, they went with a large schedule grid with various options in the different blocks. That way, if 1st choice section was full, the next choice was chosen. </p>

<p>The same goes for classes that have limited sections. Have a different class as a possible back up.</p>

<p>If you only go with one plan, it’s unlikely you’re going to emerge with a schedule that resembles it.</p>

<p>I can add that during registration itself (at BB), do NOT panic if you cannot register for a class at the exact second they tell you to start registering (9am?). S found that different departments ‘released’ their seats at slightly different times (like 9.15am). His first choice, must-have class just would not let him register because it was already ‘full’…WHAT?! he panicked!..and he later realised it was because that dept hadn’t released any of its seats yet. He moved on to his other classes (according to the version 2 and 3 of his plan!), and returned to that 1st choice later at BB registration and got in with no problem. So, when you register at BB, seeing a class as ‘full’ with no seats might be because it is indeed full already…or, it may just be that dept has not yet opened up to registration. I don’t know if this will be an issue unique to his section at BB last year. Perhaps, but knowing this might happen to your student could help them not to panic.</p>

<p>Question - Will they let the kids leave with less than full schedules? For instance, S wants to take a UH freshman seminar. If he doesn’t get one of the couple spots opened at this BB, I’m assuming he can just log on the morning of day 2 of the next BB (or subsequent ones) to snag a spot that opens then. Does he need to register for something else in the meantime to “fill” his schedule or do they not care if he has less hours than he is supposed to? Do they even check the kids’ schedules before they can leave?</p>

<p>The schedules are approved by an advisor before the students leave.</p>

<p>Thanks to all for advice about class scheduling. We are finding that the MWF 9, 10 and 11 time slots are popular resulting in a congested plan of running from one building to the next. I understand that seats open up throughout the summer, but are additional sections at different times added as well?</p>

<p>only occasionally. you can get a good idea of this by going into Fall 2012 and Fall 2011, to see how many actual seats there were, and at what times. I do know, tho, that the incoming eng’g class is the biggest one that UA has ever had, so ???</p>

<p>understand that seats open up throughout the summer, but are additional sections at different times added as well?</p>

<p>If a dept sees that demand is going to exceed supply, then they’ll open more sections.</p>

<p>SpaceCoastMom, I would say it’s improbable that more sections at different times will be added. </p>

<p>I would not worry so much about the distance between buildings. Most can be done in the 10 minutes. </p>

<p>I would also ensure that if applicable, you are considering Honors sections of each classes (which often times have a different course number than what’s on the flow chart). Sometimes a balance between Honors and regular sections helps make a good schedule.</p>

<p>Thank you. All responses so helpful. He is trying to go in with many options and a cool head knowing we can work on this all summer. Really appreciate the support.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what time the registration holds are lifted during the 1 day Bama Bound sessions? I know it’s just a little after 9 on the second day of the 2 day sessions, but a friend’s S is attending a 1 day session next month and wanted to know.</p>

<p>So you can actually start registering at 9 on the second day? The schedule I got in the mail has advising/registration from 10:15 to noon</p>

<p>Last year the holds were lifted at a little after 9. They appeared to all be lifted at the same time, whether or not your advising was finished and whether or not you had been released to the computers to register. At my D’s advising session (business school), they released the kids into the computer lab in groups, so the group that went in first had a clear advantage in registration. D said there were kids in her group (which was not the first group in) registering on their smartphones since they couldn’t get to the computers.</p>

<p>ENGR 103 shows no open seats. Hmm.</p>

<p>Last year they opened additional seats in freshman classes during each Bama Bound. Chances are good they’ll open more when the kids start registering. Don’t start worrying yet!</p>

<p>They will release the seats for BB session 1 on Tuesday. Just keep to your plans (have more than one!) and take a breath. It will all work out.</p>

<p>DD1’s college used this exact software package her first 3 semesters. It is annoying to have to enter one class at a time, but it goes quickly.</p>

<p>I would love to recommend a shopping cart based registration system to UA. This type of system allows you to enter your chosen classes and sections in a planning page. Then you just pull your “cart” into the enrollment page and press enter. All your classes get posted all at once and exceptions (closed classes) are instantly rejected. The system is so much more user friendly, the degree planning section is much clearer and matches your plan exactly to graduation requirements. It is almost impossible to miss a requirement.</p>