Hey guys,
I messed up my last quarter by taking Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Multivariable Calculus all at the same time. I just finished my final 2 days ago and I think I completely bombed the final which was worth like 40% of my grade… I’m not sure yet, but I think I probably failed Differential Equations. Failing this class would drop me from 92 quarter units to 87. Am I most likely going to get rescinded? Should I call UCSD even though I don’t know my final grade for the course yet? Help 
Yes, you will get rescinded because you won’t meet the minimum unit requirement. There is no getting around this. You need 60 semester units to transfer (90 quarter units), no exceptions.
Also contacting them will do nothing for you. Schools don’t answer “what if” situations. You will need to wait until your final grades post. In the event that you did fail it, sorry about that.
@friedchips you need to reach out to your professor ASAP. If you get a D you still have the units, but being as it’s a major requirement (I assume?) that puts you at severe risk. Either way, a D is not good.
You also should reach out to UCSD now, tell them a D is a possibility and see if you can retake in summer. Sometimes they allow that. If they say OK, get that squared away while you still can. You can always drop the plan if not needed. In fact I would say try and get the summer class NOW before it closes up, even though the grade is still currently up in the air. If you get at least a C, depending on your provisional, you should/could be OK.
BTW, you can retake a C-.
@lindyk8 Since when is a D passing? In my CC, a D would not get us units. It was basically failing.
That is a very heavy schedule. I didn’t get my first B until I took multiple programming courses and a math class in the same semester - and these were just CC courses! Is there anything you can do to have your professor pass you? Mine let me do an extra credit project that barely bumped me to a low B. I know not a lot of profs like to hand out extra credit though.
I was worried about getting rescinded last year as well. UCSD accepted me with 57 UC units and I was so surprised. I did have more CSU only units that put me over 60 units in total, but I absolutely did not have 60 UC transferable units and I didn’t attend high school at all, so I didn’t have AP scores to bring me up to 60. I was incredibly worried that they’d catch their oversight/mistake when they received my final transcripts, so I didn’t SIR and just waited another year.
Anyway, I wish you the best! Maybe you did better than you think, hopefully 
Ugh I ended up receiving a D in the class
I’ll probably call or email UCSD to notify them even though I already sent my transcripts
Can you retake it in the summer?
@friedchips, Is it a major requirement? I hope it works out OK. Sorry to hear it.,
@DrGoogle I managed to enroll in another Differential Equations course after it started for a week, but I need to contact UCSD about it to know if they’ll allow it to count.
@lindyk8 Sadly, yes. It’s on the assist page for Cognitive Science.
Anyway, about the unit requirements, I talked to a consultant about it and I am in fact able to satisfy my minimum unit requirements with a D, so I guess I’m only violating the subject requirement since it’s a major prereq? I’m probably going to send an email today and call on Monday if they don’t respond. I’ll update you guys!
Fingers crossed, @friedchips!
Do call Monday so you know for sure. Thanks for the update.
Guys, I received a vague email reply so I called UCSD today. The lady told me that if I had met the minimum unit requirements and GPA requirements (spring quarter and cumulative), then I wouldn’t have needed to worry about it. But since my spring quarter grade was a 1.9 (minimum was 2.0), I am pretty guaranteed to be cancelled admission. However, she told me I would have a “strong case” to appeal with because I’m retaking the course over the summer. I’m so sad 
It’s not the end of the world. Appeal, and show serious initiative. Explain that your spring quarter wasn’t at all indicative of your academic potential, and that you’ve already signed up for the summer course. Best of luck to you.
@friedchips, get your appeal letter ready asap. Although why don’t they just send a revised provisional with the summer course noted as part of the contract with a grade needed of B? That’s usually what they do if they start considering summer. Maybe you should respond to her and ask if it’s possible to get a revised contract noting the summer course as part of the new provisional?
@goldencub I will definitely do that! I’m just so bummed out because I thought it’d be smooth sailing after I got admitted… :’(
@lindyk8 Well the lady did tell me I have a strong case, but she never said I would readmitted for sure if I appeal (it did kinda sound like that though). Plus, she kinda made it seem like everybody would be automatically rescinded if they violate a condition. Ahhhhhh the info I received was over the phone though, so I don’t know how I’d talk to her again. I’ll just call in tomorrow again and ask for more details, even if it’s to a different person. I’ll ask about the possibility of a revised contract and about some details on appealing (whether I should appeal when I received my summer grades, etc).
I guess I’ll make a final update after I call tomorrow? Thanks for everybody’s input by the way!
I agree with the advice posted above. I’ll just add one thing, which is to send a follow up email that summarizes your discussion to the office
Something along the lines of “to whom it may concern, I’m just following up on a phone call I had today with insert name of person you spoke to regarding my status/conditions for enrollment/appeal. I understand insert summary of what they told you. I appreciate all the help, Sincerely, friedchips”
Maybe I’m just neurotic, but it would be nice to have something in writing you can refer to if anything goes south.
I’m sorry about that - and also that it took so long to alert you.