Help! Questbridge College Match Scholarship-Access Denied!!

<p>So I have been trying to fill out my application and take the mini quizzes for the National College Match scholarship, but everytime I try to save or view the next page, I am logged out of Questbridge and a message stating " Access Denied-you are not authorized to view his page" comes up. I am already registered and verified thru Questbridge so I don'tknow what's causing the problem. I have emailed the tech team at Questbridge but have not recieved an answer yet. I promised my teachers i would get them all the info and forms by monday, so I need to fix the problem this weekend. Please help!</p>

<p>I don't know the answer, but I would encourage you to try again later. It's possible Questbridge is doing some system maintenance right now.</p>

<p>I emailed questbridge and they said they fixed ii for me, but it still isn't working. This is so frustrating :(</p>

<p>Email them again (politely)?</p>