Help, read my essay!

<p>Would some great CC readers review my essay? I really need help with grammar, editing, and the essays overall flow. My application deadline is quickly approaching and I need all of the feedback I can get. So, if you can, let me know and I will PM you. Although, I don't really want 09ers, I'll take what I can get. Thank you!</p>

<p>I’ll read yours if you read mine. ^^</p>

<p>Sure, PM me.</p>

<p>Anyone else? Please, I need as much feedback as I can get.</p>

<p>Bumped for urgency!</p>


<p>i’ll read, pm it to me</p>

<p>It’s sent…</p>

<p>Anyone else willing to read? Please?</p>

<p>sure ill read it</p>

<p>Thank you! I’ll PM you.</p>

<p>k i responded :)</p>

<p>Still looking for people willing to critique!</p>

<p>i’ll read (: send it over.</p>

<p>I’ll PM it to you.</p>

<p>kristine send ur essay over and im srri i didn’t private message u… CC is being ■■■■■■■■. does anybody know how to fix this problem ‘it says you have to wait 6689 seconds’ it’s driving me crazy</p>

<p>Sent, thank you!</p>

<p>Anyone else willing to critique, feel free : )</p>

<p>can u PM me ur email because CC won’t let me reply to any PM’s and by reading the first 2 paragraphs your sentences need to be rephrased and I can help u rephrase them so again please PM me ur email</p>

<p>I PMed it to you.</p>