<p>Hey guys</p>
<p>I'm an international student waitlised at Caltech. I had applied for financial aid.
However, I'm wondering now- should I withdraw my financial aid application? Will that increase my chances of being admitted from the waitlist?</p>
<p>I really really want to go to Caltech. </p>
<p>It would be great if you guys could help me out. </p>
<p>Similar question here. How much financial aid would I likely get coming off the waitlist? Would I get any? Obviously I wouldn’t have all my need met, but would it be close?</p>
<p>i don’t think taking yourself off aid will make much of a difference, although i may be wrong.</p>
<p>TCBH, you would get the same aid as if you go admitted the first round.</p>
<p>i just declined my offer of admission, hopefully that helps you guys out.</p>
<p>Ok just in case people want to know–( in case a situation like this arises the next time)</p>
<p>I asked Mr. Raymond Prado( admissions officer) about this and he replied saying that it( withdrawal of financial aid) cannot be done now and it won’t really “increase my chances” as such, since they’ve already channeled me into the ‘assistance-required’ pool of candidates. </p>
<p>:( </p>
<p><em>fingers crossed</em> I really really hope I can get in :(</p>
<p>ok i didnt write that post above ^^ like that. </p>
<p>There’s some problem with this Quick reply thing, I guess.</p>
<p>There’s been some weird stuff going on with posting display the past few weeks.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Edit: By the way, Ray’s a pretty good guy so I’m glad you got to talk to him. He was the guy who admitted me way back when :)</p>
<p>I just hope I can get in :(</p>
<p>Anyway, I was just wondering, can I still send in more stuff to update my admission file? I’m inquiring about this because recently my school nominated me for this prestigious national award for excellence in Physics, so I just wanted to let them know that, probably in the form of a recommendation from my teacher explaining why the school decided to nominate me for it. ( yea, its a NATIONAL award, so I guess it should be a big thing, right?) </p>
<p>The results of that award will be declared around May or so. So should I wait till then( to see if I’ve won) , or should I just let them know about my nomination right now? </p>
<p>Actually, can I even tell them this in the first place? Are they still open to updating admission files?</p>
<p>Yes, and that’s probably something worth telling the admissions office.</p>
<p>thanks lizzardfire :)</p>
<p>I’ll try doing so first thing in the morning on Monday
I just hope Mr. Prado doesn’t get too irritated with me, since this will be the second email I’ll be sending him regarding my application
<p>haha…anyway, thanks man.
you’ve been a great help :)</p>