<p>What other programs are still open? I am not interested in math and that's all there seem to be (PROMYS, etc). However, I am open to everything else. </p>
<p>I also would prefer the application does not require a teacher recommendation as I have bothered them enough already and the upcoming month is very busy for all my teachers.</p>
<p>UCLA HSSRP is due on the 20th. It is expensive for out of state students ($800 stipend for instate), though. It does require a transcript and two letters of rec, but perhaps your teachers could just print out copies of the ones they’ve already used?</p>
<p>I’m in the same position… I’m personally looking for something relating to the humanities, especially english. Anything left appears to be rolling admission, and still rather difficult to gain admission to.</p>
<p>Wow I really appreciate your responses. I feel pretty bummed out since I got rejected from both SSP and SSTP florida :(</p>
<p>Thanks so much Leah! I live in CA so I will look into it! A week for application is kinda short but I’ll think about it.</p>
<p>@Babbit would you mind sharing the programs? I don’t mind rolling admission or difficulties. I was originally looking into TASP because I really wanted to do something in humanities but most camps out there are either math and science. :P</p>
<p>I honestly don’t have any real programs that seem like “fits” for me, as nearly everything left, evening rolling admissions, is still engineering! Only thing that might be left would be some of the summer colleges — a more exclusive program of this variety might be worthwhile, but I’m not too sure of the merit of any one program.</p>
<p>If you have the money to spend on summer@brown, I’ve heard it’s a great experience. It’s not that prestigious but it still shows intellectual curiosity. </p>
<p>If you like humanities, perhaps try to intern somewhere. Call newspapers, museums, your town hall, etc. and see if you can get an internship writing or something.</p>
<p>What do you guys think about taking a class at my local community college? I have a lot of choices in both science and humanity. However I feel like it’s not as prestigious or challenging as a research summer camp.</p>
<p>starwarnerd, the following programs are still taking applications:</p>
<p>Carleton Summer Science Institute - Although they have been doing some rolling admissions, their final deadline is April 23.</p>
<p>[Carleton</a> College: Carleton Summer Science Institute: The Carleton Summer Science Institute (CSSI) 2012](<a href=“http://apps.carleton.edu/summer/science/]Carleton”>Carleton Summer Science Institute | Carleton College)</p>
<p>Rose-Hulman Operation Catapult - Again, rolling admissions, but their final deadline is May 4.</p>
<p>[Operation</a> Catapult](<a href=“404 | Rose-Hulman”>Operation Catapult | Rose-Hulman) </p>
<p>Sorry, that does not help humanities lovers… although Carleton does have some other summer programs besides the science one that you could look at, I am not sure of the deadlines.</p>
<p>[Carleton</a> College: Summer At Carleton: Welcome to Summer at Carleton!](<a href=“http://apps.carleton.edu/summer/]Carleton”>http://apps.carleton.edu/summer/)</p>
<p>I think taking a college class is a great idea! I applied to 6 research internships, but my first back up was always to take microbiology at the local community college. I think it’s fine
perhaps try to do a little volunteering during the summer as well.</p>
<p>Yale Ivy Scholars has some deadline and that’s pretty decent (:</p>
How would one go about getting an internship without any contacts at a newspaper or other company? That sounds like an extremely exciting opportunity, but I’m unsure of how exactly to go about that. Thanks :)</p>
<p>I would just call or email them. I was able to talk my way into an interview at a local hospital without any contacts. I don’t know if it would have worked out, because I ended up getting an internship so I emailed them and said I was no longer interested, but I think just call/email as many papers as you can until one takes you seriously.</p>
<p>try and see if your school offers a “work-based learning” program where u can shadow a profession, such as a doctor.</p>
<p>Some week long leadership programs still are accepting application (Shelton and Broyhill come to mind, and the later does not require are recommendation).
Also, Johnson and Wales has summer programs still taking applications. They offer a fly in options to various cities including Dever, Charlotte, Miami and a couple of others.</p>
<p>[SHP</a> - Cook Honors College - IUP](<a href=“http://www.iup.edu/honors/summer/default.aspx]SHP”>Page Not Found - Search - IUP)
This might still be open.</p>
<p>Finally, there is always the option to work and take a couple of online classes.</p>
<p>Hope this helps…
<p>You should check out the [Stanford Summer Humanities Institute.](<a href=“http://summerhumanities.stanford.edu/”>http://summerhumanities.stanford.edu/</a>)</p>
<p>I made [url=<a href=“Stanford Summer Humanities Institute - Summer Programs - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/summer-programs/1324328-stanford-summer-humanities-institute.html</a>] this thread<a href=“currently%20with%20no%20replies%20on%20it%20:”>/url</a>) for it.</p>
<p>As I stated in the other thread: currently it has rolling admissions (because it is not full). I know they still want kids because I received a letter in the mail inviting me to apply.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind the outdoors and labor, there is: National Conservation Crews
“Take a hands-on approach to preserving America’s national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges. Join a Crew of high school students, age 15-19, for a summer of adventure and giving back!..Outdoor, Tuition-free, High School Summer Program”.</p>
<p>There is another one also, can’t recall the name, but you choose your location and level of physical labor you can handle. There is a cost to it, while the above (minus transportation) is free.</p>