HELP! Rescinded from USC?

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>Second semester senior year is just about to end ( in about 6 ish weeks for me) and my grades are far from good. I currently have 2As 1B and 2Cs. This comes out to a 3.0 unw GPA. I am a presidential ( half ride) scholar and I am petrified of losing my scholarship and getting rescinded. </p>

<p>Best case scenario. Over the next four or so weeks I some how manage to get one of my Cs to a B and graduate with 2As 2Bs and 1 C</p>

<p>Worst case scenario. My one B falls to a C due to an..interesting teacher and immaturity on my part (work ethic wise) during the first half of the semester. I graduate with 2As 3Cs. That is a 2.8 unw GPA. </p>

<p>In the worst case scenario would I lose my scholarship or get rescinded? A lot of other schools have detailed posts about what the criteria is. For UCLA they average semester 1 and semester 2. For Berkeley they simply state a 3.0 GPA is needed. For USC they have ..essentially nothing that I can find. </p>

<p>Last semester I had 3As and 2 Bs ( 3.6 Unw)</p>

<p>Any advice on what I should do, who I should talk to or exactly how likely getting rescinded is for me? Believe me when I say I am doing everything in my power to get my Cs to Bs but there is always the possibility I don't accomplish my goals and I just want to know what my best course of action is here.</p>

Extremely nervous CCer!</p>

<p>What are the requirements for your scholarship? Do you need higher than a 3.0 UW?</p>