HELP ! Roommate Selection

<p>I was wondering how you go about finding roommates . I know most people on here are interested in the newer suite style dorms but I want the traditional dorm experience. How do people find roommates ? FB ? Twitter ? </p>

<p>Or. . .</p>

<p>Should I do it randomly and just wait until move in day and be surprised ? </p>

<p>All advice and opinions welcome :)</p>

<p>Yes, you are a little early in the process. I’d probably wait until early October when students start submitting the housing deposits. </p>

<p>In the meantime, you can take some time to think about what’s important to you when choosing a roommate. Is it more important that she be a non-smoker, or a non-drinker, or share your religious (or lack of) values. Early riser, loud music, etc. Figure out what would make you most miserable in a roommate and avoid that first. </p>

<p>More important, take charge of this process yourself. Don’t let friends or family tell you help complete your profile or tell you how to present yourself. And keep an open mind - that girl of a different race from halfway across the country may be your lifelong friend.</p>

<p>^^^Great advice^^^</p>