Help! Still wondering if I should apply or not...EA deadline is 11/1!

<p>Hi, I hate cutting it close with deadlines like but UM is a new re-add. It was on my list for the longest time, but I took it down after getting my SAT results back in June. In order to make UM more affordable, I was banking on a big scholarship and thought I nailed the SAT, especially CR, and UM was one of my schools that I listed for the free report. I ended up with a 1390, which isn't bad, might get a small scholarship from UM, but I seriously thought I might have had a shot of a score around 1500. </p>

<p>So that brings me to my next thing, financial aid. Apparently it is pretty hit or miss at UM. But I'm definitely going to need so FA in order to attend. I think it will help that UM uses FAFSA only (thats correct, right?), running calculators has our FAFSA EFC quite a bit lower than institutional or profile aid. </p>

<p>Oh, and here's a quick rundown of my stats:</p>

Not reporting race
Catholic High School</p>

<p>GPA: UW around a 3.8, probably a low 3.8ish. W 4.17ish
Grade Trend: Might hurt me a little bit. Frosh yr was pretty good, soph year was pretty good/really good, I showed an upward trend for the most part. 1st semester Jr year was pretty good too, but 2nd semester I kind of burned out and ended up with 3 Bs. I have a total of 4 Bs on my transcript (not horrible I know), and 3/4 were in math or sci classes, which is definitely not my forte. Not freaking out about Bs, I was pretty chill when I got my report card, but it kinda sucks to end Jr. yr on kind of a crappy note, with half my classes getting Bs in them.
Class Rank: My school is kind unclear they say they don’t rank, but they tell in a counselor rec the approximate rank. I should be in at least the top 5-10% so I’m guessing they’ll put down something like that. Or they might not put anything in the letter. I’m not sure.</p>

<p>SAT: 700 M 690 CR 720 W --- 2110 total (single sitting, not superscore)
ACT: 29 (won't report if school does not need all scores)
5/6* APs by graduation. *School is unclear, we might be credit for taking my physics class last year because right now it is an AP class..and its basically the same thing, but I doubt the college board will let them do that. Will haven taken 7-8 test though by graduation, however only 2 were Junior year.
USH (jr. year)
Physics E&M
Clac AB</p>

<p>Last four are current, senior year.</p>

<p>SAT IIs: Should be decent. Took USH a few weeks ago, hopeful for an 800, but should be no lower than 780. Math...I'm studying for a 700 and I'm taking Eng Lit in November, sounds hard haha.</p>

<p>Teacher and Counselor Recs: Teacher one should be pretty good, my grade in the teacher's class that I'm asking to write me a rec rarely dipped below a 97% (AP class) and I think he liked me as a person/student. Not sure about counselor one, we get to write a "brag" sheet, so it should be at least ok.</p>

<p>Essays: Looks like MDA Camp for the main one and my EC essay is going to be wacky (haven't written it yet)</p>

<p>ECs: Pretty solid, though nothing spectacular like some people on CC.</p>

<p>-Eagle Scout, plus one year of being Senior Patrol Leader
-Student Govt Representative (lowest position in student govt, lol)
-Work Experience: 1 secretary job at my Church, another is a yard work type job, which I have recently stopped at, but I've had that job since summer before freshman year, so it should still look pretty good.
-Student Ambassador and Freshman Mentor (more intensive than you think haha)
-Youth Challenge Volunteer - Help Disabled kids play sports. I also research grants for the organization, to keep the service free.
-Minor role in school paper
-Mock Trial
-Model UN
-Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice
-AP US History Co-Student of the Year
-Investment Club</p>

<p>probably leaving a couple minor things out</p>

-Have not tallied up my hours, but it should be about 300+ service hours when I apply (tutor at school and local library, soup kitchens, various things, etc...)
-Eucharistic Minister at my church, at my school and I go to the nursing home and distribute Communion.
-MDA Camp Counselor. This is where a bulk of my service hours came from. Very demanding, but very rewarding and I plan on doing it again next year. I also participate in a program that helps disabled kids play sports during the summer and school year. Might write an essay about this. Something to the gist of the first day and a half or so of camp, I absolutely hated it, but it kind of grew on me and I really want to go back.</p>

<p>Think this is about it, sorry it was kind of long and there might be a few typos, do you need any more info?</p>

<p>I'm leaning towards applying, but I'm going to have to scramble to meet the Nov. 1 deadline. Transcripts and GC rec shouldn't be too big of a problem, but doesn't UM need a teacher rec too? Dang, I'd hate to give my teacher just a week...</p>

<p>Never mind, just checked. Teacher recs aren't needed, but maybe I could send one in like the middle of November?</p>

<p>I'm guessing I'm going to apply. Quarter ended yesterday, so homework burden won't be that bad to get everything done this week. </p>

<p>Thanks...I guess this is more of a scholarship chance thread now, haha. Shot at a smaller scholarship?</p>

<p>You should apply early decision. Miami uses the common app and the supplement is only a few questions, no extra essay. If you have already done the common app it is just a few extra minutes to apply. The financial aid is more generous in the early rounds. They only use FAFSA not the CSS Profile.</p>

<p>Here is the scholarship info for Miami:</p>


<p>Students considered for an academic scholarship:</p>

<p>demonstrate significant academic achievement above and beyond the average academic profile of a student admitted to UM’s freshman class</p>

<p>have significant academic achievement in the classroom typically taking the most challenging curriculum and earning top grades throughout their high school career </p>

<p>have significant achievement on standardized tests and on average should earn at least a 1350 SAT or 31 ACT to receive consideration
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The University of Miami takes into account students’ high school curriculum, difficulty of course selection (such as AP/IB), extracurricular activities, essay and guidance counselor recommendation(s), as well as the overall quality of the pool of applicants applying to the university each year. When reviewing standardized test scores, UM considers only the math and critical reading sections of the SAT. A student may receive only one academic scholarship from the Office of Admission.</p>

<p>Thanks. </p>

<p>No way I’m going to do ED, but I’m going to get my app in by 11/1 for the EA deadline. </p>

<p>Good to hear aid is better in the early rounds. Looks like I’ll find out about aid sooner too, right? Like in March?</p>

<p>I’m planning on majoring in Business(Finance) and Political Science or IR. Might see how hard it is to get a minor in math. I’ll have some AP credits and maybe UM will take some Ohio CC credits, I don’t know. Definitely aiming to graduate in four years.</p>

<p>Thanks again</p>

<p>Yes, you are right about ED. I meant to say early action! </p>

<p>Miami is great about AP credits. My daughter had 11 APs and Miami gave her 38 credits, so she started as a sophomore.</p>

<p>With EA, you’ll find out in mid February - both acceptance and financial package. Good luck!</p>

<p>My stats were similar, I had a 3.8 unweighted and a 1410, and I got the half scholarship. It seems to be more competitive now, but you should definitely get scholarship money.</p>

<p>Definitely apply EA if you’re looking to get financial aid.</p>

<p>Oh and Miami is terrible with AP credits in most subjects if you don’t get a 5. I only got 9 credits at UM, got nothing for a 4 on Calc AB and a 4 on Comparative Gov’t (also got nothing for a 3 on English Lit, but that’s understandable).</p>

<p>Apply. If you don’t, you will never know about affordability.
You may be offered the 1/2 to 3/4 tuition.</p>

<p>Son was accepted with 45 AP credits, so don’t rule it out.
If you have lots of AP’s you may be able to graduate a year early and save costs that way too.</p>

<p>Good luck and finish that app!!!</p>