I’m thinking about taking French II over the summer so I can take IB French in Junior & Senior year. But, I heard that it was very hard to earn an ‘A’ and that most people end up with ‘C’'s. Not sure if they were talking about the same program or not though 
If you have ever taken French or any course at BYU over the summer, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! 
- Was it hard?
- How much time does it take?
- What was your final grade?
- How are all the tests & quizzes administered? By a proctor?
I know friends who have taken FL courses from there. Not hard, if you study. Time depends on you. It’s self paced. Also, if you do the TL one, you have to conduct speaking appointments. Those require you to schedule a meeting with your teacher. They seem to be more helpful though. For the regular self-paced, you just record them on your computer and submit them. All tests/quizzes through BYU are online. The final exam has to be taken at a center by a certified proctor.
@southernbelle16 But if the tests and quizzes are online, couldn’t everyone just cheat and use their book or something? btw, Thanks so much for your help!! 
I think that they’re open notes. I’m almost positive it says that once you start the course. However, you also need to remember that if you’re taking a class from there, you have to buy 2 parts. You need to finish the first, take that exam, send it back for grading, and then buy the 2nd part, etc. It takes a lot of time, so you need to work diligently.
Why not just do your ab initio for language, or are you aiming at getting a 4 yr language req? Have you already done french 1?
Yeah I’m currently doing French 1. I want to get 4 years of language because I know colleges like to see 4 years of language