Help this guy out NYU-STERN!

UC Berkeley
university of Virginia
university of michigan ann arbor

<p>UW GPA: 3.8(rough estimate)
W GPA: 5.0</p>

<p>live in south Carolina</p>

<p>SAT I-2160

us history-760</p>

<p>Class rank- 13 out of 240</p>

<p>ethnicity- persian</p>

<p>AP's- 3 world history, 5 statistics, 4 computer science, 5 AB calculus, 5 bc calculus, 3 english, 5 psych, 5 physics, 4 us history</p>

<p>IB's- dont know yet</p>

played as a starter on the tennis team for all four years, team captain for 2 years, mvp sophomore year, mvp junior year, mvp senior year, all region all four years, ranked top 40 in state</p>

<p>cross country- freshman year, junior year, senior year</p>

<p>student council- freshman class vice president, member at large sophomore year, junior class vice president</p>

<p>red cross( all four years)</p>

<p>active member of forensics team all four years</p>

<p>national honors society member</p>

<p>ap scholar with distinction</p>

<p>community service 100 hours</p>

<p>Business: Tennis coach to little kids: $15/half hour</p>

<p>student of the month freshman and sophomore year
IB Diploma canidate</p>

<p>haha i am pretty sure its impossible to chance people for stern
from observation of last year’s boards, all types of stats get accepted and rejected.
i give upppp</p>

<p>How is your weighted GPA a 5 but your unweighted a 3.8?</p>

<p>bc that is how south carolina is… u dont need to have a 4.0 to get a 5.0. just depends on how many honors and ap classes u take</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>I’m from south carolina too. And the GPA thing is strange. It’s possible to get like a 5.875 or something if you make a 100 and take straight AP classes. Which isn’t possible at all so I guess it’s not possible. I don’t know about your school but we have to take all these required remedial (we call them CP) classes in the freshman year that really can screw up the GPA. A 5.0 is really good on the SC scale.
But good luck to you. Your stats look really good. ED Wharton - that’s intense. I’m sure you’ll be the only person from South Carolina doing that. I’m pretty sure I’m one of very, very few people, if any, doing ED to NYU.</p>

<p>yea man, thats how our school is too. The counselor said that the highest gpa she has ever say was a 5.44 but that is like straight 100’s in everything. Yea im applying ed to increase my chances by a little seeing as how only 3 people went to upenn last year from sc…</p>

<p>you are pretty set for Stern. A lot of people who applied last year with your stat got in.</p>

10 chars</p>