Help! Trying to figure out what to do

My major is criminology. My uc transferable GPA is about a 3.72. My UC transferable is about 3.81. Anyways my EC’s for the application that i’m going to fill out are ok. I’ve worked in the field and I’m hoping to get an internship this fall. Anyways I’m planning on joining the speech and debate team for my school because I really enjoy speech and I figured this could only help me out in my life. Anyways what I’m asking is should I join the speech team and add it to my EC’s or take a class that is not a requirement but relates to my major that can bump up my gpa by .03?

Btw I can’t do both because they conflict with each other

“My uc transferable GPA is about a 3.72. My UC transferable is about 3.81.” ??

You’re going to be fine. A difference of 0.03 is extremely minor, and you shouldn’t worry about it. It is very likely that you’ll get in, just keep it up.

@goldencub hahaha I meant my cumulative GPA is a 3.72. But thank you for the advice :slight_smile:

Your transferable GPA is a 3.81, you have multiple ECs, and clearly are interested in your major. You are most likely going to get in, just relax and do whichever option you want to do.