<p>State: California
Gender: F
Class Year: 2009
Ethnicity: Greek American</p>
<p>GPA: 4.4 W
SAT I: 630 M 660 CR 730 WR - 2020. I'm re-taking it in June >.<
SAT II: Awaiting scores but re-taking them
AP's: European History (Sophomore year - score of 4), US History (Junior year - awaiting score), English Language (Junior year - awaiting score)
(Senior year) : French, English Literature, Environmental Science, Art History, Comparative Government
School Type: Public
Class Rank: 1/620</p>
*Published author of fictional book (rather not disclose details)
*Member of Writer's of America association
*Editor of high school newspaper (4 years)
*High school debate team
*Published artist in teenager's magazine
*Played piano for 8 years
*Singer/actress in independent theater group
*Has written published articles for local newspapers
*Participated in local art contests (paintings)
*Fluent in 4 languages : Greek, French, English, German
*Played flute for 4 years
*Played the harp for 7 years
*Has written 4 novels
...More things of which I cannot remember at the moment.</p>
<p>Community Service
*Volunteer at Greek Orthodox Church
*Volunteer at children's hospital
*(More work this summer of which I am not sure of yet)
*Annual volunteer for Unicef
*Volunteer at tennis camp</p>
*Biology (Freshman year)
*Chemistry (Sophomore year)
*Health (Junior year)
*German at community college (Junior year)
*Psychology at community college (Junior year)
*Tennis camp</p>
*Several Journalism awards
*National Honor Society
*CSF Membership
*High rank in National French contest
*AP Scholar
*Winner of several poetry contests (of which I do not care to disclose)</p>
<p>Interested Major: International Relations, English, Psychology</p>
(I know most of these are foreign schools, but could anyone who knows about them please answer?)
-Oxford University
-Cambridge University
-University of London (King's College)
-University of Edinburgh
-University of Wales
-Columbia University
-Georgetown University
-American University
-Cornell University
-Tufts University</p>
<p>for the US schools u have a shot, a better shot if ur SAT's get above a 2100. as for the international schools i know of Oxford, Uni of London, and Uni of Wales. so u have a shot at these schools.</p>
<p>Although I don't know too much about the foreign schools, your stats are around the same as my friend (she was 2nd in class and had a higher GPA) and she got denied from Cornell, Tufts ,Columbia and Georgetown. I hope you have some safety's. But good luck :) Most of these schools are just throwing darts on a board and hoping for the best.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses everyone! :)
^ Did your friend apply last year? That was supposedly the most competitive year where everyone was robbed >.<
I'm also planning on raising my GPA after the course-load I will be taking next year, re-doing SATs, getting some great recs, and writing a killer essay. Other than that, I'm not really sure of what more I can do....</p>
<p>Next year is supposed to be even more competitive since we have the largest class size =/ [i'm a class of '09er and my friend is a class of '08er]</p>
<p>but im in the same boat as you. I'm freaking about not being able to get in anywhere decent lol.</p>
<p>Next year is NOT supposed to be more competitive. At least, the birth rate was extremely high in 1990 resulting in all the competition in 2008, but the rate dropped in 1991, so not as many people born, and so the competition won't be as high for freshman college spots. Unless foreign student applications increase, that is.</p>
<p>I heard otherwise- correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that the class of '09 is the largest class to date- thus, an even larger increase in college applicants, competition....so on and so forth.</p>
<p>That's strange, I also heard that there will be a decrease in applicants in 2009 and that 2008 was the largest class.
I wish someone could authoritatively conclude this >.<</p>
<p>I don't know how anyone can say that any of these schools are reaches for you. Do you honestly think colleges will give a crap about your friggin sat scores when they see all of your other accomplishments? Maybe I'm naive, but I think you are ridiculously well qualified!!! ;)</p>
I don't know how anyone can say that any of these schools are reaches for you. Do you honestly think colleges will give a crap about your friggin sat scores when they see all of your other accomplishments? Maybe I'm naive, but I think you are ridiculously well qualified!!!
But for UK schools nothing counts but the scores (there isn't even space on the application form for all the other stuff) so I don't think you can really tell at this stage until you get your SATII, SAT I retake and AP scores. plus also you know you have to choose a specific subject (effectively major) when you apply to the UK, and it's almost impossible to change. This affects how difficult it is to get in, and only test scores related to your subject really count 9or at least they have much more weight).</p>
<p>achievements aren't everything -.- (unless of course you've cured cancer)
but my other friend is published in every youth poetry book that she could get her hands on, and her gpa and sats suck. She'll be going to a state school in NY which as everyone knows aren't the greatest. </p>
<p>I'd really like to know about the "largest class" thing. It might ease some fears hehe.</p>
<p>And although Id love to go to any ivy, I'll have to go wherever gives me the best aid.</p>
<p>Also on UK universities. You have both Oxford and Cambridge on your list but you are only allowed to apply to one or the other. (Unless you want to build on your 8 years' piano and take up the organ and progress sufficiently that you can apply for an organ scholarship - in which case you can apply to both.)</p>
<p>Yes, you can only apply to one of them. That is to prevent all the students applying to both of them. Which would be a chaos, I guess. You'll get in if you deserve it, anyway.
But the competition is fierce. Especially the interviews, I heard. One of my friends who applied for politics or smth like that was rejected because she didn't know how an atomic bomb is constructed ;p</p>
<p>is this a joke? you published a book, and you're what.. 16, 17? if you really did that, that's freaking amazing. fiction? now i'm really curious!</p>
<p>I'm not sure, but I believe the UK schools based admissions entirely on A-level (the "equivalent" of US AP) or IB scores. Like I said, I'm not sure, but being that you are not in the IB program or British, I don't know if you can even apply to UK schools. In addition, Oxford and Cambridge are the top two universities in the world, and are extremely difficult to get in to.</p>
<p>You can easily apply to UK schools from America, and it is not too harsh an admissions process, with the obvious exception of Oxford and Cambridge. However, you have an excellent shot at top US schools because of your writing talent and publication (that's awesome, by the way). Oxbridge pretty much demands above 700 in every SAT area (I'm American but going there next year, I wasn't in an IB program, but they also want as many APs as possible. They convert them into IB scores, basically, by adding them up). This is not true of Edinburgh and St. Andrews, both of which I would guess you have a great shot of gaining admission. I would say apply to Oxford or Cambridge if you find a subject area you love at either school, because that's what you'd be studying for the next three years, but take the SATs again. I wish you luck, and hope you end up at Oxford at with me : )</p>