I am sophomore attending Cal State Northridge but I am transferring to a CC to try to get into UC Berkeley.</p>
<p>I am a resident of California.</p>
<p>When I transfer my CSUN GPA to my CC it will be combined with my CC GPA which will be about 3.0.</p>
<p>My CSUN GPA is low because I failed two classes. But for the most part I have mostly A's and two C's.</p>
<p>Question 1: Can I try to transfer from my cc to UC Berkeley while retaking the two classes that I did not pass at CSUN to improve my over all GPA?</p>
<p>~If I do re-take the classes up than I will have a 3.7 GPA.
~If I am not able to re-take the classes than my GPA next spring will be a 3.2.</p>
<p>Question 2: What are the possibilities that I will be accepted to UC Berkeley with a 3.0 GPA when I apply during fall?</p>
<p>I assume you’re applying this Fall, if so, retake those class this Fall, any later and they will not be used in calculating your GPA. But yes, you can retake them to improve your GPA. UC’s will calculate your GPA after the Fall update.</p>
<p>Another question: If I apply to Haas will they look at my over all GPA or will they look at the original grades for the classes I am going to retake?</p>
<p>Looking at your stats, it would be extremely hard. Your best bet is to get atleast a 3.5 GPA and try, but of course this is Cal you’re talking about not some csu.</p>