<p>So I've got all the reaches I need, but I need help deciding what schools might be matches rather than reaches. I also need help coming up with more matches/safeties.</p>
<p>Gender: M
Location: Missouri
College Class Year: 2015
High School: Public
High School Type: sends few/some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 4.00
GPA - Weighted: 4.33
Class Rank: 7/415</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 710
SAT I Critical Reading: 730
SAT I Writing: 710
SAT I Composite: 2150
ACT: 33</p>
<p>APs: AP Euro (5), AP Lang (?), AP U.S. Gov (?), AP Comparative Gov (?), AP Calculus (?)
Next year I'm taking six APs</p>
<li>Fall/Winter Strength Training (9-11)</li>
<li>E! Crew Leader/Ambassador (11-12)*</li>
<li>NHS Member (11-12)</li>
<li>Baseball 13+ years (started when I was 4 years old - also played soccer and basketball, but didn't continue them in high school)</li>
<li>Played on school's summer baseball team (9-10)</li>
<li>Representative for my school during Curriculum Advisory Council meetings (district meetings - only two people from each school take part)</li>
<li>Guitar (2+ years)</li>
<li>Missouri Scholar's Academy Alumni Association</li>
<p>*Our school's branch of Link Crew - Google it if you don't know what it is please =)</p>
<p>High School Sports:</p>
<li>Freshman Baseball (9)</li>
<li>JV Baseball (10)</li>
<p>Volunteer Work:</p>
<li>Volunteer at School Baseball Fields (10-15 hours)</li>
<li>Volunteer at Fundraiser for Baseball (21 hours)</li>
<li>Planned/Worked Trivia Night to Raise Funds for MSA (15+ hours)</li>
<li>Volunteer at Crisis Nursery (6+ hours)*</li>
<p>*I am going to an orientation next week that will enable me to volunteer regularly - planning on accumulating many hours there</p>
<p>Honors and Awards:</p>
<p>Top 10 of Class (9-11)
EHS Renaissance (9-12)
Best Male German Student (9)
Best German Student (11)
Missouri Scholar's Academy '09
John M. Kastner Board of Education Award</p>
<p>College Summer Programs:</p>
<p>Missouri Scholars Academy '09*
Lion's Pride Summer Youth Leadership Summit '10</p>
<p>*VERY prestigious - top .5% of my class across all of Missouri attends, using GPA, class rank, and IQ as criteria</p>
<p>The colleges I'm looking at include:</p>
<p>Safeties - Clemson, Iowa State, ... No idea, not really excited about either of those and I don't have any more
Matches - I don't know of any right now. Some of my reaches may be matches, but I don't know for sure
Reaches - Washington University in St. Louis, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Emory, NYU, etc. Think CC's Top Universities / Liberal Arts Colleges</p>
<p>Overall, the only colleges I really know I want to apply to are WUSTL, Yale, Harvard, and Cornell. I'll apply to Clemson because I was already provisionally accepted, but I'm not too excited about it.</p>
<p>Could anyone "fix" my college list for me? Move any reaches that should be matches, suggest more safeties/matches, etc. I'm somewhat lost. It doesn't help that I have no idea what to study and am looking for colleges with a broad range of academic majors.</p>