Help w/ Safeties and Matches

Hello! I’m applying to colleges this year, and I am finishing up the list of colleges to apply to. I’ve already started my common and UC applications, but now I am trying to figure out what safeties to apply to. I am a Southern California resident and I would prefer to go to a school outside of my hometown (OC/Long Beach county area) with an urban or suburban setting and with a population of 4000+. I also plan to major in business. I come from a public high school. Here are my stats:

→ 9-12: 3.68 uw, 4.14 w
→ 10-12: 3.5 uw, 4.0 w
→ Total academic gpa: 3.64 uw, 4.10 w
→ Class rank: 102 out of 803

1320 (670 R+W/650 Math)
**I am taking it the second time this October

→ 10-12th grade (11th: secretary/12th: president)
- Top 10 in Regionals Global Business competition
- Top 5 in Regionals Hospitality Management competition
→ 12th grade Virtual Enterprise (Director of Communications)
→ 11-12th grade Cappies team (12th: lead critic/president)
→ 10-12th grade Science Olympiad (11th and 12th: treasurer)
→ 7-12th grade Aikido martial arts (8th grade: adult class)
→ 10-11th grade Hospital volunteer program

I would appreciate some feedback! I am very unsure of what my safeties should be. My college counselor advised me to apply to Suffolk University, Pace University, and CSU San Marcos as safeties but I was wondering if there were any more options