HELP! What are my chances of getting into UCF? (University of Central Florida?)

<p>I'm currently a junior right now going through the IB program.
I'm an asian american (filipino/japanese)</p>

<p>my gpa is around 3.2-3.3 unweighted but i have no idea on the weighing of ucf's gpa</p>

<p>I have taken 10 honors classes in highschool, 3 standard level IB classes (that also count for AP), and 1 IB standard level course. Due to my program, I will take six more IB courses next year. (IB is at a level higher then AP)</p>

<p>I'm not sure how my ACT score is, its a 26, I have no clue if thats good or not. I'll be retaking it soon....</p>

<p>I don't have much time for extra curricular activities with all the homework the IB program brings, but...</p>

<p>freshmen year: JROTC, volunteering, swim team, placed in BCTE writing competition
Sophmore year: JROTC (squad leader), (freshmen+sophmore year volunteer hours=75)
Junior year: JROTC (Drill team, rifle team, platoon sargent, member of academic bowl for formal inspections), 150 (accumulative) volunteer hours thus far
(thats all i can remember off the top of my head >.>)</p>

<p>I know teachers that would be willing to recommend me.</p>

<p>please help me!</p>

<p>Well, your profile seems OK, but you should probably use the rest of your year to maybe boost up your ACT, even by a couple of points, to greater help your chances. However, you should be fine, people in my school have gotten in already with worse stats, but it probably also depends on when you apply, the earlier the better, because they operate on rolling admissions, so applications will get process as they come in, meaning that you have a better chance at getting in. Assuming that you are in-state and seeing that you’re still a junior, apply to FSU next year as well, because you fit right in to their ranges and people in my school have gotten in with worse stats.</p>

<p>Correction: When I said 3 standard level IB, I meant four xD Sorry</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope I get in, its a school I really want to get into. I’m going to retake the ACT in hopes of improve a little bit!
How is the campus on FSU and the classes?</p>

<p>You should probably direct that question to the FSU board. You should be able to get some attending students to answer your questions about FSU</p>

<p>26 is about average for UCF. If your GPA stays very strong you should stand a very solid chance.</p>

<p>Yeah, you should have a solid shot at getting in. Your GPA and ACT are around average for accepted people for UCF, and your academic rigor and EC’s are pretty strong. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to send in recommendations just in case though.</p>

<p>you should more than likely get in. I go to a school 5 minutes from UCF and I haven’t heard anyone from my school being rejected yet. Keep up the grades, and you should be in.</p>

<p>Just apply early cause of the rolling admissions</p>

<p>very good, you’ll probably get in.</p>