<p>I really want to start college this fall, I already have all d necessary documents to apply. There r two things keeping me from applying 1) OOS tuition is damn high. 2) my test score.
Had 81 in Toefl, 1270(too low never expected it :( ) in SAT and graduated from HS with a 3.1. Am in the top 10% in my class and I ran lotta clubs back in HS(JETS president, Students representative council(SRC) vice president) and was involved in tennis and soccer in my junoir year in HS and ended in the scrabble team in my senior year. But am scared of my credentials. Will any sch even take me ? And what sch will take me with scholarship(if any) considering the high tuition OOS will pay. Please help me out. </p>
<p>First of all, you should be aware that most application deadlines for this fall have passed, so your options are already limited. I see from another post that you are an international student. How much can you afford/what size “scholarship” are you talking about? Need-based financial aid is scarce for international students who don’t have outstanding credentials. Merit awards usually require better grades and scores than yours. Community colleges can be very affordable if your desire is primarily to come to the US, but they only grant two-year associate’s degrees and you would have to transfer to another school, one which could be unaffordable, to complete your bachelor’s degree. </p>
<p>Around $10000 . Yea I know, that’s y I’m scared I won’t make it to any . I would retake the SAT in may, maybe I’d have a better score.</p>
<p>A May SAT is far too late for a fall 2014 admission. I think you need to do a lot more research on the college application process and on financial aid for internationals. You might be able to get $10,000/year from a non-selective college, but finding that college at this late date is going to be quite a challenge. Note that you will have to show you can pay for the remainder of the costs before you can get a student visa. Perhaps you can take a year off to earn some money and study for the SAT and TOEFL and plan to start in Fall 2015. You’d submit applications in late 2014 and have many more options available.</p>
<p>I’d do just that. Thanks a lot :)</p>
<p>If you’re willing to go to any US college there’s Minot State, Chadron State, and Peru State. All are well within your budget.
If you want to attend a good college, you’d need to study for the SAT, prepare for SAT Subjects in June, and apply between November and January 1.</p>