<p>Hi. I am a high school senior who is applying to college this year. I really would appreciate some feedback and opinions on what my chances are into the prospective schools I am applying to. My information is listed below.</p>
<p>Personal Information:</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Mixed
Gender: Female
State: Georgia
Family background: first generation college student
Interest/major: Public health/Psychology</p>
<p>Academic Information:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.073/4 UNWEIGHTED (my school doesn't have a weighted GPA), Mostly B student
Class Rank: 387/596
ACT: 25, but I recently just took the October ACT 2013 so I'm anticipating a higher score.
Number of AP Classes taken throughout high school: 5 (1 freshman, 1 sophomore, 3 junior)
Number of Dual Enrollment Classes enrolled in or planning to take: I am enrolled in 4 dual enrollment courses at a local college right now,and i am planning on taking 5 more dual enrollment courses next semester.
High School Type: Public, competitive</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: </p>
<p>Korean Student American Association (11th, 12th): Club officer and club member.
Relay For Life (10th, 11th, 12th): Club member.
Varsity/JV Lacrosse (9th, 10th): Team captain, team member.
Freshman Mentoring (11th): Freshman Mentor.
Hospital VolunTEEN Program (summer prior to 12th grade): Hospital volunteer on medical service floor.
Foster Home Volunteer (12th): Tutor/mentor for elementary school children.
Sunday School Volunteer (10th, 11th, 12): Bible study teacher.</p>
<p>Prospective Schools:</p>
<p>Georgia Tech
Georgia State University
University of Georgia
North Carolina State University
University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill
Purdue University- West Lafayette
University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign
The Ohio State University</p>