help!! what are my chances????!!!

<p>I'm applying to UW Madison and I would like some feedback on my chances!</p>

<p>I dont know if this even helps but I have family that attended the university (dad,cousin) and family that works there (uncle, aunt).</p>

<p>GPA: 4.6 out of 5 weighted
AP and Pre-AP classes
I also have an upward grade trend throughout my four years.
My freshman year was pretty bad, it was just not a good year for me, but my sophomore year my grades got a lot better. My junior year I really stepped it up and am continuing to work hard my senior year.
SAT: 1810 (i took it again and get the scores this thursday, im hoping for a 1900)
ACT: 28 (also took it again and hoping for a 30)
I was captain of my volleyball team my freshman year and I also did 3 years of select volleyball.
I'm hoping the thing that most distinguishes me from other applicants is that I studied abroad for 5 months my junior year of high school in Valencia, Spain. I studied there in a public school and learned Spanish by doing so. I don't think many high school students study abroad so I really hope this helps.
I also speak French and travel to France every summer because my mother is French.
Other than those two things though, I'm not really that involved in several clubs or things like that.
I had a part time job working 25 hours a week my sophomore year as well.</p>

<p>Please give me some info on my chances of getting into UW!!</p>

<p>I would think you’re pretty much in. Just make sure you mention somewhere in the application that you studied abroad in Spain and they’ll drool over you. I don’t remember what last year’s essay prompts were, but definitely talk about studying abroad somehow. With the world getting smaller and smaller every year, it’s so important to know second languages and I think UW realizes that.</p>

<p>I was just recently accepted to UW-Madison and here are my stats:</p>

<p>27 ACT
3.9 G.P.A. (weighted) 3.8 (unweighted)
Top 5% (16/324)
2 AP classes
In state
2 Recommendation Letters (Honors English teacher and Spanish teacher)
5 extracurricular activities during High School </p>

<p>I think you will definitely get accepted! Good Luck!</p>

<p>ok i have a 3.6gpa unweighted and 3.7 weighted and a 29ACT score. i dont know if i will get in cuz this one kid at my school got a 31 on his ACT and his gpa is about the same as mine but he applied to the engineering school. is that harder than the liberal arts? (i applied to the business school but thats starts your second year so i thnk im just considered for liberal arts)</p>

<p>first of all, they don’t take majors into account at all when applying.</p>

<p>Second of all, it doesn’t really matter who else from your school applies. I got accepted with a 32, but so far eight other kids from my class have gotten in as well with the highest ACT being 34 and the lowest 29. There’s also been a kid that got rejected with a 30, and a number of kids rejected/postponed with 28s, 27s, and 26s.</p>

<p>but my gpa and class rank sucks.</p>

<p>I just got accepted to Wisconsin Madison. I got my acceptance letter 10 days after I submitted my application- seems really fast! </p>

<p>W GPA - 4.90
UW GPA- 3.92</p>

<p>I have taken all IB/AP classes </p>

<p>Class rank- 3/494</p>

<p>But my essays sucked. Like actually.</p>