I agree it is ignorant to not allow out of fear, but I will say, I heard this a lot from our DD’s friends. I heard last fall at the football games (the few I went to). Parents felt that they would rather see their child go to JMU over Tech. I thought it was nuts, but it was common place talk. </p>
<p>I agree that the way the economy is they are going to expect more IS to say YES. Typically, at least from my understanding the acceptance number stays in the same ball park, but the % will change. For example, they might expect 40% of their acceptances to matriculate, thus they keep the number around let’s say 11K acceptances, now if they have a bumper crop of 25K, the acceptance rate decreases. Now let’s say that they noticed that 50% of acceptances have matriculated over the past 5 yrs, they may change their numbers to a lower amount of acceptances and a higher amount of wait listing.</p>
<p>If you also look back, many VA parents had fits because the IS rate was 70%, now it is 75%. NoVA also was very upset that many of their students were being rejected since they were on a 7pt scale with a 0.5 w for APs. They readjusted the grading policy because of this.</p>
<p>Colleges are playing around now with the wait listing because they can’t judge the economy, yet they only have so much room. </p>
<p>Additionally kids have added a new wrinkle in the scenario by applying to many more universities, especially state which means this must be added into the equation. Two of our DD’s had with her acceptance letter a drop dead date if she did not respond, and it was May 1st. Our DS’s 2 yrs ago all had a drop date of June 1st or later.</p>
<p>In the end it is a wait and see, and it S*CKS as a student or a parent to feel helpless, but there is absolutely nothing you can do. I think many posters want reassurance, which known of us can give. If they can’t have reassurance than they would like to know why, and we are all there with our own varying explanations to explain from our personal life experience. None of us are the ones that stamped ACCEPTED/WAITLISTED/DECLINED, we just all have heard various stories.</p>