<p>I'm very lucky and have been accepted to all my schools to major in architecture, but now I have to make the hard decision in deciding where to go. I would love to know anyone's opinions about the schools listed below and their undergraduate programs. Is there a certain program that might be worth it in the long run to pay extra in tution? Any opinions would be appreciated, thank you!</p>
University of Maryland
UNC Charlotte</p>
<p>I also got into Northeastern and Syracuse. </p>
<p>I think I will end up at Syracuse because when I went on the visit I really enjoyed it, and, although I talked to George Thrush from NEU, I was unconvinced that they offer a superior program. </p>
<p>Also, DI rates Syracuse 4th this year, and although this should be taken with a grain of salt, it might mean something.</p>
<p>I also considered 3/4 of the schools you got into and they all have very different programs. </p>
<p>Northeastern is a six year program where you end up with an M.Arch. It is a relatively new program. It also has a strong emphasis on coop, so they will set you up with an internship that you will work at for part of the year and then take classes for the other part of the year.</p>
<p>Syracuse has a very good five year program where you end up with a B.Arch. There is also a mandatory study abroad in Florence. </p>
<p>University of Maryland is a 4 year program where you end up with a BS in Architecture. You have freedom for the first two years to take many non-architecture courses. The freedom allows you to enjoy the “normal” college experience for two years. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to change your mind about architecture and still graduate on time. You do not start studio until your junior year and you will have to re-apply in order to get into studio. However, since you got in as a freshman, as long as you get at least a B in all of your architecture classes, you will almost definitely get to remain in the program. The second two years of the program are very intense like most other architecture programs. </p>
<p>Also, fun fact about University of Maryland: for the last Solar Decathalon, University of Maryland came in second place, beating every other US school, including MIT! In the previous Solar Decathalon, UMD won the people’s choice award</p>
<p>I hope this helped!</p>