<p>My fairly decided schedule next year:</p>
<p>AP Literature (Ok)
AP Biology (Medium-Difficult)
AP Physics C: Electromagnetic (Ok; Easy to get A)
AP Statistics (Ok; Heard this was an easy class to get good grades but need to study on my own when I take AP exams)
AP Government/AP Economics(semester courses) (Ok)
AP Computer Science (Ok)
Symphony Orchestra(time consuming with morning rehearsals and afterschool rehearsals)
I will also be taking math courses at local university after school or over the summer...probably after school. </p>
<p>There's still one spot open, and I am interested in taking either IB Art or Academic Decathlon. (Both are weighted)</p>
<p>IB Art is a self paced course in which everyone pursue their own art interests and topics. You have to make a huge year-long project with consistency to a theme or main idea, and then by the end of your senior year you will interview online with teachers from across the globe.
I took art for 6 years(mostly Chinese Painting and Watercolor) a long time ago before high school. I am not awesome or experienced at visual arts but I am interested in exploring more art styles and </p>
<p>Academic Decathlon:
Basically lots of competition.Need to beat other kids to get on the school team
Will have to study a lot over the summer, during lunch, and afterschool
Study 7 subjects:
Literature, Math, Science, Economics, Music, etc etc
Every year there's a different topic; next year is Nature
Our school teams always get to state competition. </p>
<p>I will be taking Computer Science in university/college and I am interested in: animation, game, bio-tech prosthetic
So which one should I take? IB Art or Academic Decathlon? </p>