Help! Which class should I take senior year?

<p>My fairly decided schedule next year:</p>

<p>AP Literature (Ok)
AP Biology (Medium-Difficult)
AP Physics C: Electromagnetic (Ok; Easy to get A)
AP Statistics (Ok; Heard this was an easy class to get good grades but need to study on my own when I take AP exams)
AP Government/AP Economics(semester courses) (Ok)
AP Computer Science (Ok)
Symphony Orchestra(time consuming with morning rehearsals and afterschool rehearsals)
I will also be taking math courses at local university after school or over the summer...probably after school. </p>

<p>There's still one spot open, and I am interested in taking either IB Art or Academic Decathlon. (Both are weighted)</p>

<p>IB Art is a self paced course in which everyone pursue their own art interests and topics. You have to make a huge year-long project with consistency to a theme or main idea, and then by the end of your senior year you will interview online with teachers from across the globe.
I took art for 6 years(mostly Chinese Painting and Watercolor) a long time ago before high school. I am not awesome or experienced at visual arts but I am interested in exploring more art styles and </p>

<p>Academic Decathlon:
Basically lots of competition.Need to beat other kids to get on the school team
Will have to study a lot over the summer, during lunch, and afterschool
Study 7 subjects:
Literature, Math, Science, Economics, Music, etc etc
Every year there's a different topic; next year is Nature
Our school teams always get to state competition. </p>

<p>I will be taking Computer Science in university/college and I am interested in: animation, game, bio-tech prosthetic
So which one should I take? IB Art or Academic Decathlon? </p>

<p>It’s your senior year. You are demonstrating plenty of rigor. Take what you think you would enjoy the most. It won’t really matter to colleges but it might really be important to your enjoyment of your last year of HS.</p>

<p>Both would look good to a college, take whatever you would rather take. That being said, if you don’t make it on the school team, art would probably look better.</p>

<p>Since it’s senior year, I wouldn’t get involved with (another?) competition. Take IB Art IMHO, unless you have a solid reason to take Academic Decathlon. </p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions, guys! Any more? </p>

<p>@DigitalKing The problem is…I really haven’t won any big competitions, yet. So far I am only getting to regional with Literary Criticisms and hoping to win state. </p>

<p>There are competitions for literary criticism? </p>

<p>Regarding your schedule, you should consider that if you need to write a lot of essays then applying for colleges can be quite time consuming. My daughter had a schedule comparable to what you are considering, and it was a difficult semester with a lot of college app work on top of all that.</p>

<p>@fairyfantasy If you’re a senior, you should win those awards before you apply. </p>

<p>@mathyone Yes, there’s UIL Literary Criticism. I may end up doing IB Art, then. </p>

<p>@DigitalKing I will be a senior this fall. I haven’t really won any state awards, only regional and district awards for Cardboard Boat Regatta, HOSA, and maybe National Merit. :(</p>