Help! Which nursing program to apply to?

I will be an upcoming senior and am in the process of finding affordable direct entry nursing programs. The ones I have in mind are CSUF, SDSU (I’m from CA), York College. I have taken off UP, U Seattle, and Gonzaga off my list even though I would like to live in the Pacific NW because it’s way too expensive, even with full merit aid.

These are my stats: 4.0 UW GPA, 1520 SAT, 7 AP, 4’s and 5’s on all, 2 varsity sports, volunteering (not hospital).
I am worried that my lack of hospital experience will negatively affect my chances. Also, it would be great if there are any colleges that don’t require recommendation letters, as all the teachers I was close to are all now retired (they all retired the year after I had them sadly). However, I can ask other teachers but I am not close to them.

I would add University of San Francisco, Arizona State, UC Irvine and UCLA. Although the UC’s do consider your EC’s, lack of hospital experience may impact your chances but your stats are very competitive so definitely worth an application.

UCI’s Nursing supplement does state to list your EC’s even if they are not healthcare related.

I would also apply to some 2+2 programs such as Cal State Long Beach, San Marcos, San Jose etc… as backups.

Yes, it usually makes sense to apply to all of your in-state public direct entry programs, and then work from there to add to your list. Most Californians need to consider out of state colleges in addition, because of the competitiveness of many California programs.

Students should also check their state college aid programs, if they will be eligible for grants. In many states, many students who are not eligible for federal pell grants can still receive state grants. Some states provide much more money if a student attends an in-state college, and other states do not allow any of their grant funds to be used out of state.