<p>I'm know I am going to probably take Math II and U.S. History, but I'm trying to choose between Lit, Math I or World History for my third subject. Considering I'm going to be applying to a business college, what do you guys recomend? Would taking Math I and II be looked down on? Also, I don't have much knowledge in Lit, so I'd like to avoid that if I can.</p>
<p>You don't really have to have knowledge of lit. Few standardized tests will asks you to actually know random literature. They just make you read long passages sort of like the AP language.</p>
<p>Are you good at any languages? If so take that and that would round off your subjects nicely, and would be particularly good for business college I'd imagine. If you're not that good at any languages, then probably English Lit (no idea if it's supposed to be hard or not) as having both Maths I and Maths II seems un-necessary.</p>