Help! Will I get rescinded for these bad grades?

<p>So I got accepted to CSULB but I'm scared that they will rescind my offer of admission because of my horrible senior year grades. Last semester I received a D in Chemistry and AP Calculus AB. This semester it looks like it might end with me having a D in Chemistry and an F in AP Calculus AB... My GPA last semester was a 2.29. My GPA from my previous three years is about a 3.5 and I've never received a grade lower than a C before. I'm taking 5 AP classes and 1 honors class(Yes, call me stupid for doing this to myself). I'm majoring in Computer Science. Also, I live in the Long Beach area if that helps. Can anyone tell me what's going to happen to my offer of admission?</p>

<p>I am pretty sure all colleges will rescind you for for a D or an F. Most colleges expect to maintain your current GPA and can rescind you for a significant drop in your GPA and some as low as a .3 drop. I copied this from the Cal state Long Beach website about admitted students. </p>

<p>"Offers of Admission made to first-time freshman applicants are almost always provisional as application is normally made while still attending high school. As a result, admission offers are provisional until the following conditions are met:</p>

<p>Completion of all senior year courses with a grade of ā€œCā€ or higher.
Completion of all CSU A-G subject requirements with a grade of ā€œCā€ or higher by the end of the Spring semester prior to enrollment.
Graduate from High School by the end of the Spring semester prior to your enrollment.
Failure to meet these conditions will result in the rescinding of the admission offer which will prevent enrollment. If enrollment is desired in the future, a new application must be submitted for that term and applicants must meet all of the admission requirements in effect at that time."</p>