Help with a-g..adding courses...wierd problems?

<p>Got 2 problems which are bugging me quite a bit. I would really appreciate input from any of you fine members of this forum.</p>

<p>Question 1
I took some classes in 9th and 10th like (Global Studies 9, Computer 9, Test prep 10). Do I not put this anywhere in the application? I would put it in “Coursework other than a-g” but that’s apparently only “that demonstrate a particular focus or interest”</p>

<p>Question 2
My school made errors reporting the course list to the UC’s, so much so that some classes like “biology 10” aren’t anywhere to be found. I customized obvious things like this… but there’s weird mistakes like Biology 9 and Chemistry 9 which are listed in “electives”. My instincts are to just fix this by using the bottom of the screen which allows me to customize courses. But someone told me that they’re very strict about their course list on your school and strongly dislike any discrepancies.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any help</p>

<p>Question 1: Unfortunately, you dont add those in. I'm assuming they're not a-g though, so if they are, then by all means, add them. The "coursework other than a-g" section is pretty much for ROP.</p>

<p>Question 2: There's not much you can do about that... Your school is rather odd. For us, it's just "Biology" or "Chemistry", regardless of what year you take it. If the situation isn't your fault, I doubt UCs will begrudge you for using the custom list. It's there for a reason, after all. Just check to make sure you input all class names accurately.</p>

<p>Gotcha, alright also I forgot to ask one more thing in question1. I took some untransferable community college classes over the summer. I've added them in academic history already, but do they also go in coursework other than a-g? On the site it says " non-transferable community college courses" as an example of something that goes in to other than a-g. (The classes were elementary algebra, and general psychology)</p>

<p>I think those would be fine for Courses Other Than A-G.</p>