Help with Accepting Offer

We are a bit confused about accepting the offer of admittance, looking for help. We went on and paid the fee, he got an email address (but not sure how to access that) and picked a passphrase (not password). Now we have not idea what the next steps are (basically looking to accept the housing contract) as there was no further communication. I called and the answers I got were very vague and was basically told to wait for the packet in the mail? Trying to log onto Hokey Spa and need the PID number (I think that is the same as the one always provided or the beginning of his email address) and a password (not passphrase) which he doesn’t have yet. I also heard that it may take a few days to upload into the system? The only email we every received back after paying the fee was a receipt. Feel like we are missing something or messed up. We would love any advice! Thank you!

Well we are all ahead of the game but housing contract is most important as that gets our place in line to pick room - so earlier the better.

The housing site takes 3 days they say to be able to login. We got the email address etc setup Saturday. As of yesterday still can’t login housing site. So will be trying every evening.

Hokiespa - the paraphrase is the password. So you can login to hokiespa.

A lot of this should be in the packet coming in mail.

The only other thing found can do now is download the immunization forms.

Nothing else past housing can be done before March orientation signups.

Having registered PID on Saturday - the StarRez account did go active today. We were able to complete housing contract and sign up for Dining plan. So should be good to go until orientation sign ups next month.

Note: I was also able to go under the Immunizations link in the “Now that Accepted” checklist


Note: I was also able to go under the Immunizations link in the “Now that Accepted” checklist and put in medical history for my son. I downloaded the immunization forms to take to doctor to upload later.

Once I upload immunization forms filled out by doctor I will have step 3 complete. Then my son will continue to check his VT email (step 5) and Orientation sign up (step 4) not until late March. And transcripts of course not until the summer (step 6).