Help with an interesting situation...

<p>Hello, all. I'm in an odd situation, and I thought I would turn to all you lovely people to see if I could get some advice. </p>

<p>Welp, here goes nothing: I graduated from high school last June. The college application process was a blur for me. I went to a small, rigorous college prep school in a large city. The school intensely focuses on college admissions, so I was a bit overwhelmed during the whole experience. Anyways, after all was said and done, I was accepted to UChicago, Emory, UPenn, and Georgetown. I was waitlisted at Brown and Yale. My plan was always to take a gap year, and, eventually, I decided not to deposit anywhere, with the intention of applying to schools on my year off as I traveled a bit. </p>

<p>For kicks, I chose to stay on the waitlist at Yale. Incidentally, when the beginning of May came around, I was offered a spot at Yale. After perhaps too short of a time, I accepted the spot and told them that I would be there in the fall of 2015. </p>

<p>Well, I've been thinking a lot about this whole Yale thing... and I sorta don't want to go anymore. Here are my reasons: </p>

<p>-Undergraduate education can be expensive... My family received no financial aid from Yale. My parents have worked hard all of their lives to put my siblings and me through school. Their deal with me is simple: They will pay for my undergraduate education, but I am on my own after that. I am very thankful for this.... That said, I do plan on pursuing a graduate degree somewhere... maybe. </p>

<p>-I could get a merit scholarship to a not as competitive college... Thus, I wouldn't have to pay as much or at all for my undergraduate education, and I could use the money that my parents have saved to go to grad school or to buy a house or to go to the moon, etc. </p>

<p>-I want a school in an urban location... I'm thinking New York.. New Haven is urban, but it certainly isn't New York. </p>

<p>So here's where you come in, readers of my poorly written post. Is it worth it to go to a less prestigious/less competitive school if you do not have to pay for it? Would it make more sense to save the money for grad school or use it for undergrad? </p>

<p>I've got my eye on Fordham.. possibly it's Manhattan campus. I also like NYU, but I know that it is more difficult to get a large scholarship at NYU than it is at Fordham. </p>

<p>Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sorry for the unorganized state of this post... It's late.</p>

<p>What type of grad school do you have in mind? PhDs are paid for, business and law schools, with the type you’re likely to qualify for, are worth borrowing for. If it’s med school I might be inclined to say don’t spend the money, otherwise I think Yale is a priceless experience an I’d go.</p>

<p>If you do well at Yale, you can have your choice of master education practically free, unless you want to be in Business, Medical or Law.</p>

<p>So forgoing my undergraduate experience at Yale for a school like Fordham isn’t wise?</p>

<p>I’m really torn up about this whole dilemma. I understand that Yale has ridiculous connections, but I also think that living in NYC and possibly being in the Honors Program at Fordham would be a great experience. I am interested in International Relations and its related topics, and I know NYC would be a great place to be from an international standpoint. </p>

<p>Also, on a different note, would applying to a few schools this fall be unethical? Something feels wrong about applying to schools while telling Yale that I am definitely going.</p>

<p>Have you taken a look at who teaches intnl relations at Yale? Fordahm can’t come close. How exactly do you think being an undergrad in NYC would give you the contacts Yale would?</p>

<p>In the Parents Forum there are several threads on the issue of cheap vs. famous. Here is a link to one that might be worth a read during your year off: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You do not have to decide this today. Enjoy your gap year.</p>

<p>There are great stories about going to college full ride with a third tier school. IMHO, it all depends on the major. If the major lends itself into a “Certificate” that is equal for all, then there is practically no difference in which college you go to:</p>

<p>Certificates including, but not limited to:</p>


<p>Also, if you are heading to graduate school with majors that are not dependent on “relationships” or “names” in the ultimate profession, then the UG does not matter. Majors like history, english, language and some humanities, they are all fine.</p>

<p>If the major has a “relationship” or “prestige” factor included and it could stand on its own after Undergraduate study, the UG school become a major factor. The most obvious profession is Music, most famous musician are from Julliad, and Julliad graduates rule the classical music industry. To a lesser extend, Economics and Business can also have some prestige factor. I am not talking about MBA, but undergraduate ecomonic studies in Chicago does have a name to sale in the business world, so is Wharton and Stern.</p>

<p>One more factor in college selection:</p>

<p>From the posts in a recent thread:</p>



<p>It is the level of peer group and the relationship that ppl is paying for at Yale or HPY for that matter.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the replies. </p>

<p>What makes this situation more difficult is that I am still unsure as to what my major may be. Accordingly, I don’t know what type of graduate school I will want to attend. It may seem foolish to consider saving all of this money when I don’t even know what I’ll do with it exactly. </p>

<p>As for the issue of the peer group, I’ve always been a very independent learner. Throughout high school, I’d say my books and my work ethic were what drove me and made me more intelligent… not so much my teachers or my peers. This is not to say that they both weren’t good… I have many intelligent friends; I just find that I learn better on my own. That said, my methods of learning probably will change as I continue to mature… But there are clearly intelligent people at Fordham, especially in the Honors program. </p>

<p>Ack, I’m having a difficult time trying to articulate what I feel – mostly because I’m so unsure of everything.</p>


College isn’t going to make or break you and whatever contacts the OP receives from Yale would most likely not be worth $100k+. I’d just go to Fordham or the best university possible that would grant you a sizable scholarship.</p>

<p>Let me clarify, the “peer group” I was speaking of is not from acadamic point of view. Its from the social and economic point of view. People that can influence your social status MAY be among the friends you make at the college. </p>

<p>Just for arguement sake, lets say you were in friends with George Bush at Yale on the pool table and gets really closed to him. When he became the President, if you were being remembered, it could worth some thing for a government position.</p>

<p>I understand your feelings sentiment, I just totally disagree. $100K in the life of a super achiever often ends up being chicken feed. We’re not even talking about debt here, the family can afford it. You have one opportunity to attend a Yale and become part of a network that will serve you forever. For my money, that’s an incredible thing to be able to buy for just $100k. On the open market that would fetch millions and many would call it a good vestments. </p>

<p>Just my opinion which I know runs contrary to that of many here. I was a college counselor and watched my kids for 2 decades and the outcomes I see from top colleges were worth every penny.</p>

<p>I’m with Redroses. Few schools can match what Yale offers, both in educational/intellectual opportunities and, yes, prestige. A Harvard grad once wrote, Harvard opened doors I didn’t know existed. Same with Yale. You will be surrounded by (some of ) the best and the brightest, in a school with nearly infinite resources to explore. Take a gap year, think about life. Then go to Yale and dive in.</p>

<p>I’m on the Yale bandwagon with Artlovers and Redroses. I wouldn’t suggest that everyone mortgage their lives to pay the full cost of a private school, but if your family qualified for no aid at Yale (which is remarkably generous with aid), then I have to assume that they can afford it without taking on crushing debt. Yale isn’t just about contacts and grad school preparation and career networks. It’s primarily about developing your own gifts - and if you got into Yale, Penn, Chicago, Georgetown and Emory, your gifts are considerable - in order to live the fullest, most significant, most enjoyable life that you can. That’s ultimately what undergraduate education is about. Grad school is discipline- and career-focused, but undergrad is focused on you. The majority of the most talented students in the country and many of the world’s best and brightest apply to Yale each year, and the university only has room to invite 8% of them. You’re in that 8% - you’ve earned the right to be dazzled and inspired by your peers for four years.</p>

<p>You have many months to think about this.</p>

<p>However, I would not so casually brush aside graduate school debt as most posters above have. One goes so far as to characterize the experience as worth “millions on the open market”. That truly made me laugh and wonder if that poster has actually attended a HYPSM type school. </p>

<p>As you will be 100% on your own, and have no idea what you want to pursue in 5 years, there is no guarantee that you will emerge from graduate school with a lucrative job. In fact, you may be drawn to some lower paying professions like social work, teaching, local government, print journalism, cleric, something artistic, etc. Not everyone smart enough to gain admission to Yale wants to become a lawyer, doctor or MBA… in fact I’ll bet more 80% do not. I’ll further bet more than half ultimately make under $150k per year.</p>

<p>It’s odd, isn’t it, that if your family were to make under $75,000 per year, Yale would be a complete free ride and we wouldn’t be having this conversation, and yet after you graduate, you will have to pay full boat most masters programs?</p>

<p>Dunnin, you would lose that bet. Each and every ivy today is largely preprofessional, the vast majority of their grads will be high earners.</p>

<p>If the OP knows he wants a modestly paying career, that should influence the decision to dome degree. But I love and agree with Kataliamom said, Yale will open doors most don’t know exist. Many of them will lead to big money whether money is the objective or not.</p>

<p>Yes dunning, I attended a top school (though did not pursue a high paying career) as did many, many in my community. I’ve sent kids to a broad range of schools as a counselor and as a parent. </p>

<p>I fully agree with gadad, if you’re one of the lucky 8%, run, don’t walk!</p>

<p>I’m going to skip over the argument about living a full, enjoyable life because it is severely burdened with individual value judgments.</p>

<p>In general, I find the need to link grad school to undergrad cost savings somewhat puzzling. When we talk about current, liquid assets they are usually not restricted to educational spending. While most good PhD programs are funded, the stipends aren’t always large and years of relatively low-paying postdoc work may be necessary even after receiving the degree. I could see how a small nest-egg might be very useful in that scenario if one also wished to start a family or purchase a home.</p>


Redroses, it seems I did not lose that bet as respects your experience… I suspect part of the disconnect is that you attended a “top school” and yet I specifically wrote HYPSM – yet you seem so adamant that contrary to your own life choices, Ivy grads are predominantly very high earners (very different from highly successful).</p>

<p>Dunnin, I attended one of the schools you note. I married a classmate right out of college who chose a demanding career and I went the PhD route. I had lots of choice and chose what I did for the lifestyle balance. I’ll note that even in the field I chose, the money potential was there if I wanted to pursue it.</p>

<p>Let me also note that I went to college from a much more modest background than most of my college peers. Doors were indeed open that I would not have learned about had I gone to the schools, including Fordham, that my high school classmates who went to college attended. I know how much differently my life turned out because of those exceptional 4 years.</p>

<p>Again, thanks to everyone who has replied. Y’all have definitely given me a lot to think about. </p>

<p>I realize that I do have time and do not have to make a definitive decision right now, which I guess is a good thing. I think I’m going to apply to a few more schools this fall and just see how I feel about the whole situation in a few months…</p>