<p>I am fairly good with reading and writing getting A's in Honors English courses. I wanted to take the leap for senior year and try AP Lit. I know for a fact that my writing and reading skills are not at the level of those coming into the class from AP Language. </p>
<p>So my question is, along with How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster, and other novels required to read over the summer, what should i read over the summer to improve my reading and writing skills. Ill probably skim through a 5 steps to a 5 for lit, but what other books similar to How to Read Lit should i read to improve my reading and writting skills. Thank you!</p>
<p>Read a great novel and then read the Harold Bloom “Bloom’s Guide” for it. Read <em>Sound and Sense</em> about poetry and the poems in it. Learn how sonnets work. Make sure your grammar is on point.</p>
<p>Is Bloom’s guide free on the internet or is it in a book fo purchase?</p>
<p>Sent from my SPH-D700 using CC</p>
<p>You can find Bloom’s Guides online, but not legally, afaik. A few of the big online book download spots have many of them, though, and um, they can be found…</p>
<p>If you want practice, do not read How to Read Literature by a Professor. I did not help me one bit (and it’s really boring because going into AP Lit, you wouldn’t have read many of the books he’s talking about). I would suggest maybe to get an idea of AP Lit by looking at the past exams on CollegeBoard. They are VERY helpful and free. Try out some of the prose passages and poetry.</p>
<p>Yes, definitely take the released exams for test prep. I do strongly recommend <em>Sound and Sense</em>, for poetry, though. You probably don’t have to read the whole damn thing, but if you read it more or less you’ll have a big advantage. The FRQ’s on the CB website are great, too–examining sample essays and emulating the good ones is one of the best things you can do, since the real test score comes largely from the essays.</p>
<p>So using this forum as preference~… thanks guys