I hope this is the right forum, I’m brand new to the site.
I’m having issues regarding AP testing for Cambridge undergraduate admissions, since I know they tend to look at these tests closely. I’m a US High School sophomore and I would like to hopefully apply for physical natsci at the university.
My dilemma is that since the admissions deadline for international students entering the 2017 year is October of 2016, the beginning of senior year, I feel like this means I basically only have this year and next year to have my 5 AP tests finished, and I don’t really know what I should do. I know I probably need calculus ab/bc, chemistry, and physics for sure.
The problem is that next year (junior year) I only have room for ap calc ab (currently taking honors pre-cal + honors chem, A+ in both) and ap chemistry, and I’m planning on being a lab aid for my chemistry teacher as well. That’s only 2 out of the 4 science/math ap tests I would need to apply!
I only have room for these 2 classes since my high school requires other subjects to be taken (obviously) and I don’t want to absolutely kill myself with 6 ap classes (I currently have 5 planned for junior year + lab assistance); I would have to take ap physics and ap calc bc my senior year. My main question: What does this mean for applying to Cambridge? Will this affect my application, is there any way of including that I plan on taking the tests for the classes later on in my senior year? Or would that be included in a conditional offer (If I’m lucky enough to get one, anyway)? Should I e-mail a specific college within the uni about this?
Additional information/question: I know one needs 5 ap tests with a score of 5 to apply; I took the ap spanish language/culture test freshman year and got a 5, and I’m taking the ap psych and ap european history tests this year. Would these tests apply towards the 5 needed if I receive 5’s on them as well?
I hope I don’t sound too confusing and everyone understands my problem.
The majority of people who apply to Cambridge (and Oxford) have not completed the requirements when they apply, and their schools “predict” the scores that they will get on the exams that they take at the end of their final (senior) year. Their offers, as you note, are then ‘conditional’ on actually achieving those scores. The UCAS application form is set up for you to fill in both the standardized tests that you have taken and the ones that you plan to take.
Note that the October deadline is for all applicants, not just international students.
From the point of view of an American applicant, you need to have completed enough standardized testing (which can include SAT & SAT II) to demonstrate that you are reasonably likely to achieve your ‘predicted’ scores. Your classroom grades are completely irrelevant.
For NatSci, as know you need math + 2 science, and they really like a fourth math or science. For you that looks like AB, BC, chemistry & physics. Applying with APs you need at least 1 more. Your Spanish & Euro History will both count, psychology will not (http://www.study.cam.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/natsci/).
So when you apply you will have 2 of the important scores and by the end of senior year you will have met the requirements (well, assuming you get the scores!). It is not fun to be the only one whose APs ‘count’ and to not know for absolute certain that you have your place until July, but you can do it 
Definitely state in your app that you will be taking the AP tests later, and then, as Collegemom3717 says, if you get an offer it will be a conditional one.
I would say that the class grades have a little relevance in this situation, as it would tend to back up the grade prediction which your teacher rec will hopefully include.
Thank you so much! That was really helpful. It’s relieving knowing that other applicants won’t have all their scores either and that I’m all good for senior year. And yeah, it stinks when my teachers/counsellors say that the point of taking an AP class is to get college credits and it’s okay to get a 4 I’m just like not for meee
would you suggest a time when I should start up a UCAS account?
One last question (hopefully) : do you think AP bio would be good towards one of those 4 science classes you said I should take? (Since it’s not a physical science)
Yes, if you can do AP bio that would be good. I didn’t suggest it because I thought you had no room left in your schedule and didn’t know how much you had done already, but for Nat Sciences the broader science background you have the wider your choices would be on the course itself.
If you look at the link above, you will see the combinations that they recommend (on the entry requirements tab), and bio is one of them. Frankly, I would go for the one that you enjoy more, as you are likely to do better on it!
As for the UCAS form, there’s no point and no need to go on to there before autumn of 2016. Also, there is a UK website that you will find helpful called t h e s t u d e n t r o o m .co.uk (take out the spaces). There are threads such as American students applying to UK universities, and (starting in early summer 2016) there will be a thread called Cambridge applicants for 2017 entry. Go ahead and lurk on the threads now, but don’t start asking too many questions before summer 2016- the regular posters can get cranky when people jump the gun!
@conformist1688 : I didn’t believe I would have room either, but looks like I’m senior year I’ll have ONE more extra class open so I think I will go ahead and take it based on your suggestion.
@collegemom3717 I will definitely go take a look at the website (and refrain myself from posting anything until then!)
thank you both so much for your help!