Help with Classes

<p>Hi, I am going to be a freshman and majoring in biology in the LSA for the 12-13 year.
I am in the Honors Program and registered to live at Squad.
What I was wondering is I see all these incoming freshmen with their classes selected, but I have no clue where to start or what classes to pick.</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated.
Where should I start?
What classes am I required to take?</p>

<p>haha sorry, this process is all new to me and I have to clue where to start.
Thank you!!!</p>

<p>I’m also a prospective bio major that will be attending in the fall. I agree, trying to figure out what classes you’re interested in, the best professors, timing for classes, etc. all seems incredibly confusing. Any help would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Go to wolverine access, click Student Business, login with your uniqname, and then you should be able to click either class search or browse courses (in the middle of the page with a million options). Go to class search by school or college, then click LSA, then click the various departments you want and it shows you all the classes.</p>

<p>Do we have to make sure that we have exact course numbers/professors and what not ready for orientation?</p>

<p>For instance, if i wanted to take intro to bio w/ lab but it was already closed…what does that mean? I can’t take an intro to bio w/ lab my freshman year…?</p>

<p>This here Online [LSA</a> Course Guide](<a href=“]LSA”>LSA Course Guide) is 1000 times better than looking up classes through Wolverine Access… check out advanced search too if you want to look up classes that fulfill certain requirements and stuff.</p>

<p>Also this website is now way more informative than I ever remember seeing: [Honors</a> Requirements](<a href=“]Honors”> You can also look at individual department websites for specific concentration prerequisites/requirements, but I wouldn’t stress out about that so much since it’s pretty hard to take something in your first year that doesn’t count for anything.</p>

<p>You don’t even need to know what classes you want to take at orientation, but you should probably at least have an idea, and most people do.</p>

<p>thank you!!</p>

<p>there’s just so many classes to choose from though, haha.</p>