Help with decision over school vs internship?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>For the past year I have been driving 3 hours round trip a day to school. I was recently accepted into NC State as a transfer which is a top 10 school for IE. I also was recently offered an internship with a fortune 300 in Atlanta this summer making 25/hr. The problem is that there is this course I need to take and this fall it is completely full and the waitlists are maxed out as well. The reason I need it so bad is that there is a sequence of 5 classes over 5 semesters for my major and this is one of them. I would already be pushed back a semester, but if I have to wait till spring to take it, that would be a year- with the last two semesters underloaded. Now I have tried to figure this out and I have two options:</p>

<li>Keep the internship, go to Atlanta, Stay at my current lower ranked school and continue driving 3 hours a day for the next 2 years....</li>
<li>Resign the internship, Go to NC State and take the courses I need in the summer (which are all open), and wait to get an internship next summer.</li>

<p>I am torn because I don't know which is more important, but I am biased because I really don't like driving so much and I cant take all the classes I want a semester because I spend 15hrs/week in the car which could be used to take another class. </p>

<p>Any opinions would be MUCH appreciated!</p>

<p>Any chance to get some of those classes co-req’d so you can take them at the same time?</p>

<p>If it were me, I’d risk it. I’d take the internship and transfer to NC State, in my experience I’ve found that with enough effort, I can always get into a class.</p>

<p>Any chance that you can take the class at a school in Atlanta at night? (of course double check that it would transfer).</p>

<p>@nole Yeah, I can’t risk it. If I don’t get the class that is a year longer, and the last 2 semesters work out to only take 6 hours each semester… I’m 30 and married, so I need to finish.</p>

<p>@Johnson Unfortunately nothing transfers, I was even going to take it at my current school the first semester and just drive back and forth…but they seem to think that is the only class that will work.</p>

<p>Is there anyone at the school who could get you into the class, given your special circumstances? </p>

<p>In any case I would take the internship.</p>