<p>If as an undergraduate I elect to take the entire stafford for the four years and I elect to defer the interest and principal payments after I graduate, how do I figure what will my payment be. On the governement website it has a calculator for the stafford loan. If I put in $5500 it gives me a broad range of repayment options. But when I actually start paying off the loan (4 1/2 years from now), the $5500 will actually be much higher because of all the accrued interest. So is that number correct or not correct.</p>
<p>As an undergraduate, I will probably take out the entire $27,000 for undergraduate for stafford which includes the subsidized and unsubsidized. I'm just trying to get an estimate of what my payment might be for 10 years if I defer the interest and principal each year while in school. Currently on the calculator if I put in the entire 27,000, the 10 year payment is either $310 standard or $214 graduated. Just doesn't seem right. I would think it would be 27,000 plus all the accrued interest.</p>
<p>Any help is greatly appreciated or links to better calculators.</p>